Monday, April 30, 2007

Hands Down

Last year I sent this book to my nephew Justin for his 3rd bday.
Madlenka's Dog by Peter Sis. It's his hands down favorite, he asks for it by name nightly and the only book takes on trips.
It may be for children but the illustrations are worthy of framing.
Although Peter Sis has published more than 20 books, he began his career as a filmmaker. His work is in the permanent collection at MOMA New York. He has received numerous awards for his illustrations, both in editorial and children's books. To read more about Peter click here

Friday, April 27, 2007

The IT Tote?

A few weeks ago I saw this bag and wanted one. After reading this piece today (see below) it seems the shopping frenzy created coupled with money making scheme of reselling the bag on ebay completely take away from the original intent of the concept/ with 20k or so of these bags running around are they really so COOL & exclusive anymore?

THOUSANDS of shoppers have again been left empty handed following a last-ditch bid to own Anya Hindmarch's £5 "I'm Not A Plastic Bag" tote. The iconic bag, which was designed in collaboration with eco group We Are What We Do, went on sale for the final time at selected Sainsbury's stores yesterday and prompted round-the-block queues - some of which started at 3am - at the 400 stores stocking it. The 20,000 bags offered in the final phase for the limited edition must-have sold out within an hour - sending disappointed shoppers scurrying home to their PCs to see whether the £100+ price tag for the bags selling on eBay had reduced at all. "It is tempting to increase the amount of bags on sale to ease people's frustration and spread the message," Hindmarch told the Evening Standard. "Unfortunately, we said they are limited edition." If you're yet to nab one, all is not lost - limited edition versions of the bag have been produced for sale in the US and Japan this summer. To get your hands on the super-exclusive, international re-incarnation, log onto for more details. A pre-ordering facility will open soon.

Looking for a tote? Really the options are endless & allow for a better nite sleep.
One you may not be familar with... made from recycled newspapers

No words

Any description of Showstudio will surely spoil the experience...SHOWstudio is an online project committed to showing the process of creativity.
Take a look.


Quick mentions for the weekend.

  • Friday - Dairy Gallery 5 - 7 p.m; Collaboration by 6+ & 8 Palestinian Women, Dida: The Eyes of the Drum curated by Sue Feldman and Brie Anderson Feldman, photographs taken by children of Dida, Remembering Genocide: The Women's Memorial At Ravensbruck Concentration Camp by Janet Jacobs.
  • Friday - Freedom Movement & Vibesquad at Trilogy
  • The Namesake returns to The Landmark Crossing cinema. Also of note; The Hoax, Hot Fuzz and Fracture. Go to for a complete listing.
  • Sunday - yoga. Vinyasa with Larissa Ortiz 11-12:15 @ Mandala Center
  • Sunday - CAKE @ Coors Event Center
  • ALL WEEKEND NICE weather!! In the 70's

Wednesday May 2 begins nites at the Boulder Farmers Market

Also Wednesday, tickets go on sale for the Denver Botanic Gardens Annual Summer Concert Series. Performers include; Ani Di Franco, Steve Winwood, Linda Ronstadt among others.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

John Derian

John Derian is the master of Decoupage.
Decoupage is essentially paper collages. He works on all sorts of plates, trays and coasters. There are far too many amazing pieces - browse for yourself.
Use them as jewelry trays, coin holders, art on the walls, for dining, for nothing, endless options...

Eco Activist Fashion Pioneer

Katherine Hamnett
Check out this organic tee!
A reissue from 1983 - WOW!
100% organic cotton jersey.
Ethically and environmentally made in India
Printed in the UK with water-based, environmentally friendly printing inks.

It's not just tees for KH, there are beautiful 100% organic cotton dresses and men's fashions too.

But its her biography that most impressive!

Some hi-lights
Joseph opens the Chinese Laundry selling KATHARINE HAMNETT washed cottons. Katharine awarded Cotton Designer of the Year. Launches first protest T-shirts; CHOOSE LIFE, WORLDWIDE NUCLEAR BAN NOW, PRESERVE THE RAINFORESTS, SAVE THE WORLD, SAVE THE WHALES, EDUCATION NOT MISSILES - designed to be copied, with the objective of effecting change by being seminal, using the excess media coverage that the label was receiving. T-shirts are sold with a percentage going to charity.

Katharine Hamnett moves from own manufacturing base to licensing in Italy. Initiates research into impact of clothing and textile industry on the environment, which reveals an untenable situation. Discovers that conventional cotton agriculture is responsible for 10,000 deaths per annum from accidental pesticide poisoning (now 20,000) 1,000,000 deaths p.a. from long-term acute pesticide poisonings desertification and long-term contamination of the aquifer. Millions of people working in conditions worse than slavery. Decides to try to change the industry from within and launches Autumn/winter 'Clean up or die' collection.

Directly after 9/11 Katherine produces a series of T-shirts against the invasion of Afghanistan; NO WAR, STOP AND THINK and LIFE IS SACRED.

flash to today

The year is spent re-sourcing a completely new, certified ethical and environmental supply chain of top quality raw materials - manufacturing across the world from farmers to packaging and distribution.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

EOS + JE = Blaine Fontana

EOS = Equal Opportunity Shopper.
I give most any shop a looksy.

For example, from the outside JE (Joy Engine) may seem daunting to some (including myself initially) but GO inside, you won't leave empty-handed!! My closet contains a few not so basic JE tees! Good gifts for friends (like mine in LA & NYC) on the coasts who have access to most everything...

Plus, if it wasnt for TB (Todd Berger = JE's head honcho) how would I know about great artists like Blaine Fontana. Check out his amazing work on display in Denver at the Limited Edition Gallery.


I can't say enough about Blush, owned by the mother + daughter team of Casey and Christy Rosen. The photo above is from the Cherry Creek North location on Steele St. There is a second mini-boutique inside the Hotel Monaco downtown.

There are so many reasons, more often than not, I choose to by-pass the Boulder boutiques and head directly to Blush. Drive down and decide for yourself.

My guess, your pile of 'I want it' will be much larger than your budget!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Glass + Metal

Can you believe these rings!!
NY Based artist Jane D'Arensbourg creates glass/metal rings, necklaces and earrings. All the colors and shapes are fabulously unique and eye-catching (click here), see what strikes your fancy!
From Jane....'these are metal rings that are cast from a 1 glass ring. I made a mold of the glass ring, then cast them in Gold, and Silver.'

Muy Bueno!

Rancho Gordo (Steve Sando) sells rare hard to find beans, spices and such. I love love the story, website, the packaging and plan on purchasing a t-shirt in the near future!!

Mighty Tea

I want to stay inside watch movies and drink lots of tea today.

Here's my fav - Mighty Leaf.

They have a outstanding collection of traditional and organic teas - I love the Mountain Spring Jasmine Green Tea. PLUS they use biodegradable, sheer hand-stitched mesh fabric made from corn starch. The material is designed to allow the flavors to come through but will naturally break down once discarded.

I have to admit it was the beautiful packaging and bag material that first reeled me in! The eco component is the icing on the cake...

Monday, April 23, 2007

Skulls are Dead

I can't say I am sad to see the end of the skull trend. As they fade lips & iconic women are gaining momentum. For me, lips bring Andy Warhol or Fiorucci (REMEMBER THIS?) to mind.
Fashion is so cyclical.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Friday Haps

For those of us in the 8-whatever grind it's our fav day of the work week!

A few weekend hi-lights
  • Friday 10am MDT a Moment of Silence for the victims of the VT massacre
  • Opening Friday in theaters, Hot Fuzz, by the funny blokes of Shaun of the Dead (rent it)!!
  • Or check out newly released Best of Larry Sanders on DVD
  • Like Art, hate crowds? Head down to Art District on Santa Fe in Denver for 3rd Friday.
  • Stop at the Creative Art & Design Galley on Santa Fe to see Boulder artists Amy Kisch & Mendel Rabinovitch, exhibit Verdad de la Calvera.
  • Saturday, Farmers Market (reposting since it recently restarted). The Wednesday nite market returns in May, as do the beautiful peonies!!! Luv 'em!
  • Saturday the Brazilian Girls at the Ogden or Sean Lennon at the Bluebird - decisions decisions....
  • Sunday Earth Day
  • Sunday 4k race and Expo (Wild Oats benefit for The Center for ReSource Conservation)

Tuesday and Wednesday @ FOX - the University Denim Blowout Sale. Never been but I am most definitely not one to miss a warehouse sale!

Anything you would like to me post/share? Email me...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Eco Window Internet Shopping

I can not take credit for discovering these shoes by Charmone' . That goes to the founders of a great website, Green With Glamour, endless goodies!
Check out these great earrings!!

Buy One Give One

I've always had Van's in the closet and it's getting to be that time. But if I buy Toms shoes he gives a pair to a child in need, simple as that!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Uniqlo, know it?
Its Japan's most popular apparel company. They create inexpensive, supa stylish casual wear. Within the past year they expanded to the US. To build brand presence before the retail location was completed, they put up temporary container stores & pop-up shops in Soho and other locations in NYC. Now they have a t-shirt line. The packaging is cool (above) but they are not first to use the tubes. However, the website is AMAZZZING, see for yourself, (click here).
Wonder when they are coming to CO? HA!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Funny or Die!!!!!!!!!!

You tube or the likes is not my thing but “The Landlord,” starring Will Farrell is hilarious!!

Apparently, he is one of the minds behind the creation of the site, Funny or Die.

Rumor has it..FoD is one of the fastest growing content-based websites in history so far (faster than YouTube), more than 1 million views in under three days.

Change is not always good

Unless you are mucking the stables, Hunters may be a bit much for the morning drizzle. But you can never go wrong with the classic trench. The one below is the creme de la creme, Burberry, but the coat is everywhere this spring.
For a history of the trench (click here), cool story & obviously a timeless design.

Rather stay indoors?
Here's another classic...Breakfast at Tiffany's. Novel by Truman Capote, ya know, directed by Blake Edwards, starring Audrey H and George Peppard (A-TEAM)!!!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Art for All

I'd love my own Twombly, Basquiat, Clemente, Freud, Warhol, Pollock, Rothko, Johns or a hundred or so other artists but that's way down on the list.

*Jean-Michel Basquiat, Francesco Clemente
and Andy Warhol Alba's Breakfast, 1984

*Cy Twombly, Natural History Part II, Some Trees of Italy

If you are looking for something that won't max out your credit card....

Tiny Showcase - sign up and every Tuesday a different artist creates a limited edition print for about $20-$30 (the emails are pretty funny too)
Etsy - amazing resource, pick your medium and go!
SCAD - buy artwork by students, faculty, etc of the Savannah College of Art and Design

Or consider your local university, galleries or art fairs.
Two excellent painters in my backyard.

Sarah Kinn -

Julia Lunk -

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Kudos to Amanda

Today's LA Times mentions her Avita Co-Op flagship store opening. For the past 3 years it was Internet only and now she's branching out. If you are not familiar with her amazing eco-collections visit -

It's a rapidly growing market (click here).

Way to go girl!

Saturday, April 14, 2007


I try to be conscious about what I eat and find Michael Pollan's philosophy on food/eating/consumption straight on.

Two of his 'rules' which I try to follow daily

1.Eat less
2.If it wasn't around when your grandparents were young than you might want rethink what you are about to put into your mouth.

We all have slip-ups and now and again. I.e. - I find myself grabbing an energy bar for that quick energy boost.

So here's two of my recent bar faves (I can pronounce most everything on the list!):

Honey Stinger - Peanut butta pro-bar. Be forewarned - loaded with protein but a but high in the calories. It tastes like reece's peanut butter cup!

Clif Bar Mojo Peanut Butter Pretezel - no chocolate but divine....

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday, Friday

Since I've heard more than a few times, 'where did you find that,' or 'how do you know about that,' I created one place to store all my finds/interests/obsessions. I hope folks from all over are enticed to read, comment and bookmark but today is a little Boulder-centric....

A few haps for the weekend & beyond

Those who prefer to avoid the crowds on the weekend (WHATEVER) could head to Placebo Wed at the Fillmore (April 18). I can't vouch for the group personally but they come recommended by a guy (?) with the CoolFactor5 going on = trust him!!

If a concert is not your thing but you want some new music.

Check out Natural Selection produced in part by Pangea Organics ...Dj Ivy played a few tracks on KGNU and it caught my attention.

A not so new release but GOOD STUFF - Ole Tarantula - Robyn Hitchock + The Venus 3, which consists of R.E.M.'s Peter Buck, Young Fresh Fellows frontman Scott McCaughey and Ministry's Bill Rieflin. Via David @ World Cafe, always a little something for everyone!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Philip Taaffe

Philip Taaffe - Take a look for yourself.
Composition with Shells and Algae, (2005)
The Lizards Egg, (2004)

Evil v Good - which team are you on?

For those of you with a spare room and $20k lying around....

The limited edition "opus football table" by Eleven Forty for 20LTD. All yours for about $20,000 (Shipping NOT included)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Yuummmm Chocolate

Those of you who know me are well aware of my sugar addiction.
There are some who 'don't believe' in milk chocolate - you know who you are!

Chocolove has a GREAT 70% dark

Day One

Hmmmm, where to begin...

How about my dream cruiser