Thursday, December 20, 2007

See ya in the '08

Happy Holidays and New Years to All!!!
I will be traveling for the holidays so I don't know if any attention will come to the blog til next year!! See you then!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

McMary Jane Mansions

Seems Nancy Botwin (Weeds) might have even more competition...from the NY Times Mag (The 7th Annual Year of Ideas Ish)
MARIJUANA MANSIONS - Marijuana growers have long faced a dilemma. If they grow pot outdoors, weather conditions are unpredictable, and plants can be spotted from the air or accidentally discovered. Yet if they set up an indoor operation in a sleepy town, their suspicious activity tends to draw attention. The new and counterintuitive solution of some growers in California is to move into a busy, upscale suburban neighborhood and establish a ''marijuana mansion,'' as the street-life magazine Don Diva recently termed it.
A home that costs a half-million dollars or more is essentially converted into a weed factory: rooms are packed with hydroponically grown plants; fans and air ducts are installed for moisture control and to remove the skunky odor; the electricity box is rewired to steal electricity from power lines. With precision light and temperature control, the growers, who don't live in the houses but check in a few times a week, can harvest more (and more potent) pot.
According to Lt. Greg Garland of the sheriff's department in San Bernardino County, where more than 50 pot houses have been raided this year, the growers favor newer communities in outlying suburbs because they get more space for the money, and residents pay scant attention to their neighbors. ''In these communities, both the husband and wife work; they're busy coming and going,'' Garland says. ''One man we spoke to lived next to a grower for a year and wasn't even sure what color the guy's car was.''
Curiously, the subprime mortgage fiasco helped make the phenomenon possible: many pot houses were purchased by first-time homeowners using interest-only loans, and with speculators buying houses to flip them, it wasn't uncommon for a home to sit empty for months. Authorities have started to alert the public to the signs of a pot house, a telltale one being a dry lawn. But, ever adaptive, the growers are hiring gardeners -- just like their suburban neighbors. STEVEN KURUTZ

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bubbies & Bubbly

I am not prego but I can't seem to stop eating (or talking - always happens when I find something I like!!!) about Bubbies Bread & Butter Chips. In less than 24, I have definitely devoured over half of this giant jar!
A suggestion, don't eat pickles immediately followed by a bottle of champagne immediately followed by judging/tasting batches of arugula pesto. Then the pickles and your stomach are not so good.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Gets me every time....

God, I am such the sucker for packaging!!! Jose-organic Teas are the latest to win the title, simple, bold and elegant.

This is such a disorder!!!! So much so, that no matter how many times I've tried to buy the box I just can't bring myself to purchase the hometown fav and legend Celestial Seasonings. Yuck!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Feeling the need for the Assspen Montage!!!!!

For whatever reason there has been a lot of chatter about Aspen in the past 24. KP (bastard) is on his way up and AM and I are thinking about a trip. If you are looking to waste some more time must watch the South Park Aspen Breakdancing clip too!!

'Green' ier + Planet Green = The Green Life

...From star Adrian Grenier has closed on a series for a new eco-show on Discovery Channel’s upcoming network Planet Green. Tentatively titled The Green Life, the show will have green experts from different fields go out and help single home families, small businesses, college dorms, and film/tv sets green their “living” spaces. Planet Green is expected to kick off sometime in June of 2008.

Stay tuned as I may have some interesting news in relation to this story!!!



I know you don't read my blog, but to the kindest man who braved the snow and cold last night to change my blown out tire!! I can't thank you enough!!! He saved me from waiting for an hour++ in the cold.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Yesterday I was chatting with JT, the founder of Re:volve Brand, about some projects he has in the works. He has some amazing plans in the hopper!! Being the nosey that I am, after our convo. I had to visit the site to check out the current line. Here's my winner. Click here to shop for yourself!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

TR Exposed

French is not one of the languages I studied. Those would be Italian, Spanish or Portuguese. But when I received the email blast in French from De La MJC or and saw the photos from the exhibit, From Rio to Hong Kong" Terry Richardson. Understanding the words wasn't that important, see for yourself...

And if you are not familiar with Terry Richardson he is a photographer famous for campaigns from American Apparel to Belvedere Vodka.

LGL + Package!

I found these cool stencils by Little Girl Lost on Redbubble but you can find more of her work on Flickr. Click here to jump to the entire collection. I also received word my friend, and amazing jeweler Dara sent some pieces out for me from LA. They are from her new line where she takes old bullets and melts them down to make fabulous new necklaces, pendants and bracelets. Soo excited, I am heading over to collect this afternoon. But you can click here to see all of her goodies right now !!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Cold & Snow, Cold & Snow, Cold & Snow

Welcome to the endless painful forecast, while some revel in it. I am OVER it! I can't remember the last time I saw pavement. What happened to sunny Boulder? It's more like Fargo, ND. The cold makes me crave hot beverages and then there is my never ending sugar craving. To kill two birds with one stone, I am heating and downing this Pepperminty Chocolaty Beverage from Vitasoy. Since the work day is done, I need to spike it with some Baileys or Vodka!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Iconic Andy

I have loved, studied and been fascinated by Andy Warhol for decades...I had the fortune of visiting his retrospective at the Guggenheim in Venice, Italy. Not that it has anything to do with anything but he always amuses me. I recently read this quote from dear old Andy...Buying is more American than thinking...ever so accurate, especially this time of year.This is Andy with Basquiat. If you haven't seen Basquiat directed by Julian S., you should!!

Local News

If you haven't checked the news in the past 24 then you are probably unaware of the pair of shootings in Colorado Saturday morning into Sunday. Both occurred at 'unique' religious facilities and while I am not diminishing the tragedy of those killed, the news immediately brought to mind the film Jesus Camp...

Friday, December 7, 2007

Not Feeling It...

..the weather is dreary, cold, damp, grey and altogether uninspiring for me. But the crazies I know who live for the snow are psyched. The hills are getting pounded. We are talking FEET!! I know its tempting but stay out of the bc and/or don't duck the ropes!!! Its prime avie conditions and the season is just getting started. There will be plenty of pow pow to come. Be patient! Have a great weekend however yours plays out!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007


If you live in LA swing by Avita Style/Avita Co-op Holiday Bash Tonight!! Paige Premium Denim will be Launching their Eco Denim Line!! Plus lots of other Great clothing and accessories.

Jade Yoga

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Inhabit Sample Sale

Inhabit makes absolutely wonderful, yummy cashmere and cotton sweaters. They are having an online sample sale - steals and deals!! Cashmere cardies for under $60 is an amazing deal. I have done my damage so click on the photo and have your turn at it!!!

AW Spring '08

Ashley of Ashley Watson sent over photos of her Spring Collection. Made from reclaimed Leather Jackets, not only are the bags virtually one of a kind, at an amazing price point but she is doing her part to help reduce landfill waste.
Her bags and wallets have appeared in Lucky Magazine and on the Today Show recently....keep an eye out for this chica! Here are a couple of the new designs...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Chinooks, Santa Anas

Call them whatever you want but the winds have been HOWLING here for the past 24 and it's made things crazy to say the least....I lost (and found thankfully) my dog today among other wacky adventures.
On a side note, while holiday shopping over the weekend I revisited Tarina Tarantino's collection. It's been years and I was pleasantly surprised to see how the line has evolved over time. Here are a couple of items that caught my eye. Jump on over to her site and see what strikes your fancy....


Monday, December 3, 2007

Only in Boulder Part Deux

A new edition to my 'Only in Boulder' (previous-monk riding bike with Crocs). En route to a meeting this morning I stop at the light. I look at the car next to me to see this lady has a parrot for her traveling companion. Hard to tell but look closely at the passenger seat!!!

Lisa Smith

Check out the sweet designs by Boulder Artist Lisa Smith - click here to see her whole collection on

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Cookies & Cocktails

For whatever reason this week brought an influx of packages to my doorstep. Two of the most notable were Crummy Bros Organic Cookies & ModMix Organic Cocktail Mixers, it's been a dangerous yet delicious combination! I must admit ALL of the cookies have been sampled but the cocktails are going a bit slower...Both make great hostess gifts or treats for all the upcoming holiday parties. Run out and grab some to taste for yourself!

Friday, November 30, 2007


Boulder is downright cold today. My days in Boulder are numbered and I am OVER resort skiing. But for whatever reason I began to think about the temps up at the Resorts, the pending xmas crowds and what happens up there. For those of you who get what I am saying, you understand why it immediately made me think about the over the top, CHEEZY, uber Ritzy, Glam Shop Gorusch. In honor of this time of year, I created a warm and cozy outfit! (Note to readers - I would NEVER wear these pieces, there are enough that already do)! Plus, I think I would be burned at the stake if I tried to sport this little number in Boulder. Oh yeah and I should mention that this get-up would knock you back about $5K.
I am off to bundle up and go for a run...I know insane. Have a great weekend!!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

AG + The Kiss

On my last trip to LA I was somehow convinced to try on a pair of AG Jeans, actually they are a super thin wale cord called The Kiss. It's been years since I wore or thought about this line. Anyways, I bought 'em. I have to admit they are super comfy and since its been so bloody cold here I am wearing them and again and again. So much so that last week, while back East I search for another pair but no one had them in stock!! I may have to search for Cyber Friday deals....

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Another Fruit

Another fruit that appears in the market this time of year is the Meyer Lemon. This is a less tart version of your typical lemon. It has a wonderful aroma and smooth texture. I find it best used with vodka (preferably Chopin) + splash of soda!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Denver MCA

A few weeks ago I stopped in the new home of the Denver Museum of Contemporary Art. The building is modern, spacious and I have to be honest, somewhat empty. This I found disappointing. The top floor housed the work of David Altmejd. His was the only work I found somewhat intriguing. Here is a photo I took inside... (sorry for the annoying border I am too busy to fix it).
Afterwards, I happened to find this article about the artist and the exhibit in W Magazine. Click here to read the entire piece. I have to admit after reading it gave me a new understanding and a better appreciation for the exhibit.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Stephanie DeArmond

I have been meaning to scribe about this for too long, I am jammed today so it's going to be super brief but I gotta get it out! Last year I toured the MFA Thesis Exhibit at CU I came across the work of Stephanie DeArmond. It was so unique, creative and powerful. I couldn't forget it. A few weeks ago I was reading my coveted NY Times Sunday Mag and there was a giant 'T' created by Stephanie!! I can't find a shot of the page and my copy is too wrinkled to scan. So here are some other great pieces by Stephanie.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


If rolling your jeans to avoid chain suck, tears or grease while riding your bike just isn't cool enough for you then consider the Windrider Bicycle Clip made from Reflective PVC. Designed by Gijs Bakker available at the Conran Shop - thanks to BoingBoing. Click here to purchase

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Have a great day, however you chose to spend it....

Back to the Right Coast

Back to the Right Coast tomorrow - YEEHAW!! I have to pack at some point, this is the ONLY negative in junction with traveling, as far as I am concerned. I need to hire a packing service - HAHA.

Be Green Like Your Fav Celeb

It's out...the 2007 Green Celeb Gift List - click here for all the goodies!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

American Girl in Ipanema

Not long ago I read the founder of H.Stern has passed. This instantly brought back the memories of the two summers I lived in Rio. Every day as we walked to the beach, (I know rough life), we passed a palatial hotel. On the corner of the hotel housed a H.Stern boutique. Large glass windows showcased the glittering geodes and gems, pieces that the glamorous Brazilian women wear with ease.
This memory beckoned me to the H.Stern website and with my unlimited imaginary Cruzeiros kna the Real I purchased...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Seen & To be Seen

I am not a reviewer or critic. Gold & Silver Stars is merely a platform for me to scribe about the things that please (ok, sometimes displease) me. I watched Richard Avedon's documentary - Darkness and Light this week, 4 stars in my book!Tomorrow I am attending the Julian Schnabel film, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. I know its going to be sad and intense but I can't wait! Plus, I love the story behind the story. The movie is based on the autobiography of the former Editor of French Elle. A book that sat on Julian Schnabel's bookshelf for years. One day, performer Laurie Anderson stopped by....ah the life of a famous artist! She noticed the book on the shelf, professed her love for the book, Julian read the book and poof here we are...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh my darling, oh my darling...

Clementines cuties are back in season! Technically, its a variety of the mandarin but I just love their sweet little size and taste. Like a little candy treat with no guilt. When you aren't busy eating the clementines, put them in a wooden or silver bowl to add a decorative touch to your home.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Change is good, change is good

Must keep reminding myself of this today - UGHHHHH!!!!!

Sunday Must Do!!!

Do the following names mean anything to you; Seaton, Billy Blues, Rebecca Taylor, Rachel Pally, Ulla Johnson, Christina Lehr, Tibi, Hoss, Repetto, Tsesay, Ever, FreePeople, Calypso, LNA?
If so, then you want to head to Blush - this Sunday when the ENTIRE store is 40%!!!!
Blush 222 Steele St, Denver, CO - 303.399.7779

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

More Method in My Home...

I always reach for Method products; the hand soap, the cleaning wipes. All the products are effective and smell great - never chemically. When I arrived home last week to a box of goodies from the Method people I was beyond excited! The most notable product was an air freshener. Named the UFO - Unidentified Fragrance Object - love the Method humor. Typically, I find these types of products contain a most unnatural scent and are way too overpowering . Not this one, its subtle, natural smelling and lets not forget the simple yet modern lines of this little wiz.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Starz Evening Part Deux

I was back in Denver for the Gala Dinner and film premiere for the Film Festival this weekend past. The film was JUNO and I highly recommend it!! Since I wasn't into really glamming it up, it was going to be a long night and I was more into comfort than black tie. So, I wore this Shoshanna dress, with brown tights, gold Sigerson Morrison flats (these aren't the exacts but you get the gist), I don't think the dress lends well to boots, as shown in the photo. And of course, my Marine blue patent clutch by MJM of Yeah, I rocked it out...

Friday, November 9, 2007

Eco-fashions on The Today Show

Eco-friendly fashion
Eco-friendly fashion
- Click to watch and see all the fab garb for any type of event! To toot my own horn a bit, I assisted Danna on this piece.