Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Off to LA

...but let's be realistic about the inevitable (comps of flickr)...Be back soon!

Sophomore Success

From the little I know about the record industry (is it even still called that??) I know the second album is considered, more often than not to experience the sophomore slump....so when I first learned about Lupe Fiasco's second release, The Cool, I was hesitant.I LOVE Food & Liquor and wondered, could it be topped?I can't say one outshines the other...because they both rock! Buy, buy, buy!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008


I am off to LA this week and plan to hit Julian Schnabel's current show, Christ's Last Day, at the Gagosian Gallery.
And by now you've probably seen, heard and talked your fill of last night's Oscars but one final comment. What is with Enchanted taking 3 of the 5 song slots for that category? They really couldn't find any others to nominate....

Friday, February 22, 2008

Painful Breakup

I am a devoted listener of KCRW ( I love the station!) but I think I have to break it off. As painful as it, is the new media player they installed has slowed my computer to caveman speeds and this is all the more painful.

Real Fashion

This post was supposed to follow a post with a you tube video but its taking hours and since I have no patience it won't be in the intended sequence.
Have you seen this documentary? I was glued to my seat and whoever said the french are lazy will eat their words. The Marc Jacobs/Vuitton team is incredibly dedicated and talented. It was fascinating to watch the design process, true inspiration at work. And the final scene at the Vuitton show in Paris gave me chills. I loved the set design!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pen to the Paper

If I want to remember anything - phone number, date, etc it must be written down! Because of this, I have been a faithful user of the Filofax for years and years and years. Here she is... Since I am quite particular about everything, the pen with which I scribe is also important. After years of experimenting, some time ago I settled on a blue ink gel roller style. A good example is the Uni-ball vision exact. Never said this would make my handwriting legible...come to think of it, do ya even care?

Derek Lam Distraction

Yesterday I had a zero productivity level so when I got the text from Ruscha....are you working now? The immediate reply, maybe not what were you thinking? Shopping is the answer, late in the afternoon we headed off to deal central (meant to be a secret) and got to it. I found these fabulous Derek Lam shoes - for over half off the sale price currently at net-a-porter! There were about a quarter inch too tight in the front, I tried and tried, I even started rationalizing, its late in the day my feet are swollen, maybe I can lose 5 pounds (in my feet) but at the end of the day I went home empty handed. Here's a photo so you too can admire their beauty and think about how great they would go with everything in MY wardrobe!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

PorkChop Show

Last week I went to the opening party for the new Prana Shop in Boulder. At the event I noticed these fab shadow boxes (for lack of a better term) mounted on the walls. There was no artist mentioned so I did a little investigating....turns out they are the work of Scott Lyon, brother of Eric Lyon one of the founders of Scapegoat - VERY COOL OUTERWEAR! Here's one of the boxes - to see more jump over to the Porkchop Show , is that one word or three?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tastes like a brownie looks like a cookie

Wait its a brownie, no its a cookie! Either way the Late July Dark Chocolate Organic cookie is delicious!!!!

Try them for yourself. And for those of us (mainly me) with no chocolate self control there is a 4 cookie pack to prevent entire box devouring sessions. Yes, its been done before.

Bluebird skies and 60+ here in the bubble so once these tasty morsels digest, I am off for a run. Have a great day.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Shame on you!!!!

...whoever stole Waylon's (editor of Elephant Magazine) bike from outside of the Yoga Workshop mid day yesterday/Sunday!!!!
Its a Bianchi Milano black men’s big frame with two saddlebags (photo above). If you see anyone other than a 6'3 red head with freckles who wears his tshirts about 3 sizes too small with this bike - please contact Waylon ASAP!!! waylon@iamelephant.com

Friday, February 15, 2008


Yesterday, just in time for Valentine's Day, a package arrived containing Apivita Products - all natural products for the lips, body, hair and face! Needless to say I was excited, especially being the product junkie that I am. I've already tried the multivitamin face caps and the express eye mask. Both were wonderful. I recommend heading over the website and taking a look at their entire product line - click here for the jump

Have a great weekend - I am outtie!!!!

Citrine by the Stones

... formed 5 years ago by Peruvian born designers Mary, Michelle & Joanne Stone. By the Stones supports local artisans in both Lima, Peru and Miami through direct employment and fair trade with packaging producers in Bangladesh. By the Stones is currently donating to bridges across borders’ Cambodia project - keeps Cambodian kids off the streets, feeding, housing, and schooling them.
Let's not forget the jewelry is beautiful and reasonably priced. Here are two of my picks!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's Y'all!! Spread some love - look beyond your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend. This whole world could use a lot more love these days.

Btw - this was on my car this am. After high 60's yesterday I woke up to several inches of snow and temps in the 20's......

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

V Day

would be tomorrow and I am all about lasting love!! But when a normal Thursday night out with your sweetie costs 10x as much merely because its valentines, its a little sickening. With that being said...I love this e-card from Somecards.com - check out the site for lots of great ones!! And ecards are eco too!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Deitch Projects + Sagmeister

I receive email blasts from the Deitch Projects in NY - a gallery and a site worth visiting!!!!

Currently housing - Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far by Stefan Sagmeister
Sagmeister’s list:
1. Helping other people helps me.
2. Having guts always works out for me.
3. Thinking that life will be better in the future is stupid. I have to live now.
4. Organising a charity group is surprisingly easy.
5. Being not truthful always works against me.
6. Everything I do always comes back to me.
7. Assuming is stifling.
8. Drugs feel great in the beginning and become a drag later on.
9. Over time I get used to everything and start taking for granted.
10. Money does not make me happy.
11. My dreams have no meaning.
12. Keeping a diary supports personal development.
13. Trying to look good limits my life.
14. Material luxuries are best enjoyed in small doses.
15. Worrying solves nothing.
16. Complaining is silly. Either act or forget.
17. Everybody thinks they are right.
18. If I want to explore a new direction professionally, it is helpful to try it out for myself first.
19. Low expectations are a good strategy.
20. Everybody who is honest is interesting.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Beer Thirty

Is it that time? Actually, screw the beer, I need something tastier make mine a Sake2me ...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Egg Chair

At this point in my life I am more about selling my furniture (any buyers out there) than purchasing anything. BUT when I do this is first on the list, only been drooling for years. Originally designed in the late 50's the Arne Jacobsen Egg Chair, looks modern today. I'll take mine in slightly worn brown leather please, none of these DWR remakes thank you.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Oh Dear Paris + 50

When I first read this on Defamer, I felt bad for PHiltie, its mean no matter who you are. But part of me thinks its all fabricated since P was whopping it up with 50 at Sundance.
Speaking of 50. He stayed at the same hotel as I did while at the Sundance FF. On Sunday when it came time for him and his posse to take the 45 minute ride to the airport - these gangstas REFUSED to share cars and demanded they each have their own Cadillac Escalade SUV, mandatory color of black too - 10 in all!! WAY to do your part to help fight global warming yo!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Elevision is Back

After a LONG hiatus Elevision is back at Trilogy (2017 13th St.) 6:30pm 6:30 pm drinks & live music, 7 – 745 pm talk show. Tonight features LYNN HILL: Boulder’s own pioneering climber.
If you go Waylon will buy you a Martini...oh wait - that's just for me - since he majorily F**ed up last week. But he's a good guy, come to to the show, find him and maybe you will get one too!!!

Neither was I

after the first hour....I love abstract films but this one seemed to go 'round and 'round and 'round....

The Vampires are Everywhere

Vampire Weekend that is and they are nearly impossible to miss - NY Times, KCRW, IG Trendcentral. You would have to be living under a rock to not be in know....

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

SUPA Tuesday

This is a shot of the flatirons this am, lovely eh? Instead of wasting your time reading my blog today please use it for a better purpose, get out and VOTE!!!
Need help? Visit www.coloradodems.org or www.cologop.org/pages/caucusfaq.cfm

Monday, February 4, 2008

Magical Music

Ever have an amazing experience but its impossible to describe? That's the end result of an impromptu concert by the fabulous singer songwriter Woody Williamson. Woody made his way into the bubble via Laguna/LA and gave me and my dear friend Kimmy a little taste of his sweet and soulful sounds over the weekend. Hello..concert party of two!!! My advice, find out when Woody is in your town and don't miss out!

Here's what others say about dear WW aka Alabaster Rhumb.

“Where is all the new exciting and original talent these days? It seems that alabaster rhumb is holding on to quite a bit of it. It's really worth your while to seek him out and watch him open up the box to reveal all the sparkly treasures inside.”
Steve Wood - producer/composer
(Sting, George Harrison, Dave Mathews Band)

“The work is exquisitely beautiful; compelling and distracting, terrible and funny, personal and universal…”
Jason Feddy
Acclaimed Singer Songwriter

“I saw alabaster rhumb play last year, and in the same way that when I first heard Tom Waits I thought my speakers were broken, I adjusted my perception of what he was doing and realized…he's a genius! One of the most original talents I've seen in ages!”
Steve Lawson
“Bassist Extraordinaire”
Bass Player Magazine

Email Woody for his tour dates - woodrowjwilliamson@gmail.com

Thanks Oscar

or should I say Thanks Mr Ted Turner. I love TCM's 31 Days of Oscar - great movies uncut and commercial free!!! Last night I caught Quiz Show. Check out the entire line-up here

Former Product of this State....yikes!

I can't seem to wake up today, even after a trip to Vic's and then caffeinated tea. Ugghh - but as soon as I get some info from Woody I will post a little something something...If you are absolutely, completely, utterly bored - jump to Jezebel for their gem of a find - click here - Embarrased for the State of Colorado - enuff said!

Friday, February 1, 2008


I could talk about last nights debate but you've already gotten enough of that, I could mention the insane profits posted by Exxon but it is too disgusting to even begin to comment, I could chat about the Super Bowl...yawn! I give up, I throw in the towel, raise the white flag....I got nada! If something comes up, believe you me, you will be the first to know!
Have a great weekend!!!