Wednesday, April 30, 2008


click here for one account....

Grand Theft Auto IV

6m Copies am I missing here

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Weekend Watering Hole

It was a scorcher in LA this weekend....the best thing to do was head to the water and drink some cold frostys. Here is a shot of a bunch of us in Venice. No, its not Tom Cruise but this guy (I forgot his name) sure could be is stand-in. Between you and me he definitely loved the association. Hence the bad photo, I was trying to be covert. I didnt want him to get any more attention....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Have A Great Weekend

This little project of mine hasn't been getting much attention lately . It and I are in need of a much needed break. Have a great weekend and I will be back after a little R&R.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Paper Bird

I've seen this band a few times now...great harmonies and you would think you have stepped back in time. You want to be sitting by the river in a hammock, drinking lemonade (or lemon drop martini) when listening.
What I love is all the wonderful details - from the extra cute shadow puppet show, to the handmade shirts, custom cd's with fab art and the little paper bird fortunes like the one in the photo. On the back, this one reads....somebody, somewhere is remembering your worst haircut!
Check out the whole deal here

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Maybe it's not necessary to change out all your light bulbs, go vegan, stop wearing leather shoes or buy a bunch of hemp bags to carry your groceries...what about taking a few moments to appreciate and respect the nature that surrounds you wherever you are! Happy Earth Day!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Lemonade, cookie, dog treat

Here's a drive-by photo of an enterprising little girl from yesterday. You can't see the sign but your options included; cookies, lemonade and dog treats. Both this customer and his pooch left happy.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Had to share....

from Thrillist....Semenex - a powder-shake mix that claims to naturally enhance the flavor of you!
Happy Weekend!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Back on the Mat!

It's a good day, after almost 8 weeks and losing all flexibility I am back on the mat!!! I am still healing the fracture so it was a little painful but I did make through a yoga class (modified of course) this am.
Once the ortho specified shoes can go away I will be REALLY happy

Ecoskin Collection

I've had my eye on the company Ecoskin for awhile now but I have to say their summer collection is the best yet!! Who doesn't want some flattering, easy breezy summer dresses made from eco and organic fabrics! Here's one of my faves - to see the full gamut of goodies head to

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I was reading the blog Things I bought that I love - which is really quite funny and written by one of the cast of The Office - Mindy....don't know, don't watch The Office, so unAmerican of me right?
She posted this:

its a heated eyelash curler! I have enough trouble poking the mascara wand in my eye do I really want to chance burning my eyeball? Rather than this little contraption can't they come up with something to wash my face when I am too drunk, I mean TIRED, TIRED, to do it myself. Then can it also slather on my wonderful creams and serums so I wake up looking rested and refreshed. Isn't this something we need instead of a heated eyelash curler???


I found this photo in one of my folders today. Can't remember where its from (maybe NYTimes) but def love all the options!

How About Sticking with Spring

..instead of this Summer to Winter crap!!!

Today -81° (its hotter!) Intermittent Clouds

Tomorrow -Hi: 46° Lo: 27° Rain and Snow Mixed


It was nice and warm here yesterday! After a nice cruiser ride around town I tried the ONE Acai drink in a container that reminds me of Capri Sun - remember those? Not only is this drink tasty and healthy but a good portion of the proceeds go to helping to end Poverty. YUM YUM!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Clyfford Still

In 2010 Denver will launch the Clyfford Still Museum. He may not be a familiar name to you. Unlike many other painters worthy of their own museum, its a rarity that his pieces go on the auction block. But there's an upcoming auction in May. Read more more about Still, museum and auction in this Portfolio article - click here


There is more off this car than on! You can get ticketed for a head light or tail light out but this is legal?

Friday, April 11, 2008

Mad Hat!

I am not much for the traditional straw fedora you are seeing ALOT of these days but THIS Missoni model (poached from fashionaddictdiary's flickr site), I would snatch in a sec! Def with a white tank and jeans, and lots o'silver accents.

Are you kidding me... the F***er who added a comment (I moderate!) which was essentially a link to virus, GET A LIFE! Are you really that pathetic and bored? For you other bloggers out there - I think Tyogal was the alias.

Dress Personality

I love that my girlies all have their unique style. And I love love when I see something that screams out their name/style to me. Case in point, this lovely frock by Marc Jacobs, is totally Roo!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Green Complex?

Haven't seen it yet, hits newstands today...apparently Complex Magazine current ish is devoted to all things green. If you aren't familar with Complex its a Mark Ecko production. Eco not exactly the first thing that comes to mind with Ecko.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mad for Muxtape

Muxtape is a free service for creating mixtapes. It's a simple way to create and share mp3 mixtapes . Muxtape is alive.


...definitely one of the better collections of ECO shoes out there! Men's and w's available, two from the line & you can click here to see all the styles.

Oh Karl I love you. You may know Karl Lagerfield as the amazingly talented designer or photographer. You can add character in Grand Theft Auto. He will be in the newest installment of Grand Theft Auto, where he’ll DJ on air at the game’s K109 The Studio station.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Digby & Iona

Want it!! To see all the fab pieces click here


Tbar wants to you Touch These!!! Self Examination Awareness Fashion show - 4/16 @ Bacaro.


Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate - love it! Theo Chocolate definitely ranks right up there as one of my favs! Check out the Bread & Chocolate (there's French Bread inside) and the Vanilla Milk!

Monday, April 7, 2008


Today would be the bday of my one and only sis. During her life she earned herself nicknames such as Pig Pen and Sugar learn more, first you will have to find her and then get her to spill the details. Good luck to you.

Kids in Trouble

This CD landed in my mailbox over the weekend, it's been playing ever since. I love the cover art too!! Click here for mo' info

Black Cotton

...usually don't buy it, because there is nothing I hate more than faded black jeans or tees. All may change now. It's new - Caldrea dark wash!! If Caldrea is new to you, its a wonderful company that creates great chemical free cleaning products of all types.


Me love this necklace and about 99.9% of the goodies on Vivre. Unfortunately about 99.8% of the items are out of my budgie. Good window shopping tho!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Forever and endlessly in search of a deal, because a discount = more clothes!!! It's the final days of the shopbop (great site) and jcrew extra 30% off. You are welcome!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

White v Brights

I know, I know...much of these season's fashion is about brights even neon bright. But I love white t-shirts, white towels, clean white get the drift.
Spied these sneaks today!and a big fan of the white tees by LNA - I have blogged about this line before.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Reality Check

Would love to click 'buy now' on either of these fab jackets by Mike & Chris or Alexander Wang but just can't justify the $$$$.
I did find this oh so affordable alternative by Missme - click here to see the entire collection.