Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday Special

What nice mammas these ladies must be.....

Friday, August 29, 2008

Oh so lovely Ortolan

Yesterday, my Ortolan goodies arrived!!! This mom and pop, well not really, but close enough, NYC shop creates all organic items for the kitchen, bath and your backside.
I cant seem to find photos for all my goodies so two of the napkins. If you want to see more jump over to their website by clicking here
& do so quickly because its summer sale time!!

Have a great holiday weekend!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Woody Allen

I found his 'diary' entries in Sunday's NYTimes hilarous....enjoy for yourself. Click here

And I am digging this site

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ernie & Burt

Seems only fair that after posting the FEIST vid I give Ernie and Burt some luv

click here:


Yesterday, I flew down to Vegas to swim up to my eyeballs in apparel. I walked Project, ENK, Slate, and the list goes on. It all starts to blend together quickly but there are always a few standouts. I.e. a great casual Men's line - where is the ladies people. Called Save or Save Khaki really caught my eye; beautiful colors, fabrics, simple lines, fab stuff. They have a store in NYC and sell all over but no website for these folks. I did manage to poach a photo of - which is GREEAATTTT if you dont know it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bringing out My Inner 13yo

Even though I dropped and broke a full glass jug of juice on my toe at the grocery last night. Which now leaves me with a bloody, bruised and swollen digit I am still writing to you today. See the dedication I have to you my loyal readers!!!

Yesterday while reading the NY Times this headline flashed across my eyes....Hugh R. Butt, 98, Doctor Whose Studies Helped With Blood Problems. I know its so immature and terrible to make fun of the dead but I felt like I was watching the segment on the Leno Show when he shows those silly headlines.

And then there was this line....where Dr. Butt was head of the division of gastroenterology. I know so immature Dr Butt the head of gas....ok I should stop....The entire article is here - RIP Dr Hugh Butt.

Off to Vegas be back Wed, maybe....

Thursday, August 21, 2008

LED Throwies

If you are interested in making LED 'throwies' click on this link

I personally, like the idea of making a single one, placing in jar and using it for outdoor lighting.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

China part II

My friend is safe and on her way back (aka deported). She also made her way into the NY Times and many other news outlets around the world. Click here for the NY Times piece.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


My American friend was arrested in China yesterday...Since I am not exactly LOVING China at the moment....Here's a photo of the current air quality in China, great for athletes. No worries, they will never see this photo from my blog - because blogs are BANNED in China. Yeah, doesn't that go along well with Coke and the Olympic spirit....please note the sarcasm.

Monday, August 18, 2008

MonkeyLectric Comps of Kayne

If you haven't stopped on Kayne West's website -its a must do!! I poached these cool LED bike light contraptions by MonkeyLectric from his here to jump to the site for more info.

You tube

Wow - thats timely. I created the Brett Westfall post over a week ago. I see it arrived in my blog on Friday.

Friday, August 15, 2008

From Wall Art to Shirt Art

Brett Westfall in action. His art was spotted by the CDG team and he now has a collection of tees at the shop!

Eton - Stronghold

Last night I went to a party above Stronghold on Abbot. If you haven't had a chance to check out this shop, I highly recommend it! Its like stepping back in time, very iconic Americana, all the brands are long standing American companies.
On to my story... in the gift bag there was a Solar-Powered, Self-Powered AM/FM/Weatherband Portable Radio with Flashlight and Cell Phone Charger by Eton. This is a great lil' gadget. Cant wait to bring it to the beach and I guess its a good thing to have on hand, should the BIG one hit LA.

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gjelina v Kitchen Cafe

A new spot opened on Abbot - called Gjelina. Its good and the decor is lovely. There is no website but here's a daily candy posting

The funny thing is - while in Boulder I spend A LOT of time at the Kitchen and while Gjelina doesn't necessarily remind me of the Kitchen they have many of the same items. I mean we are talking to a tee - take the argula, sweet corn and ricotta salata salad. SAME. Pot a Creme - SAME.

Its just odd thats all....

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kayne Muppet

I am too lazy to register and embed the video on my blog so just click here and watch

Matt Bernson Part Deux

I've written about my love of Matt Bernson before. Over the weekend I had a chance to hang with the Matt Bernson team, Matt himself, and to get a lookie loo and some of the upcoming's photos of two of my fav's; the trojan sandal and rivington boot. Check out the entire collection here

Monday, August 11, 2008

GaGa for Scosha

I LOVE it ALL!!! Click here to view for yourself....

Friday, August 8, 2008

Fashion Fix + The Sartorialist

Click here for Ny Times article of fashion blogs - even learned a few myself. If you dont like to read - heres the list

and a great casual chic photo from the Sartorialist for your friday....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Please tell me

what about this throw away, one time use, fabric towel, wrapped in plastic, filled with chemicals

is ECO

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Along with my weakness for chocolate comes sunglasses. Who doesnt need a new pair or three!!!! Yesterday at the flea I stumbled upon this amazing collection of eyewear and picked me up a pair of vintage Cazal's

Here's a photo of a similar pair but not 'the' mine are sporting blue lenses.