Friday, February 27, 2009

Hammer Lecture

How did I miss this? Oh well at least I can watch it online and you can too!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Power of One

Some time ago, a designer friend of mine asked....'if you could wear only one designer; past, present and future who would it be?' A milli-second later - Chanel!

If I could have only tolerated those awesome vintage (Mom was original owner) Chanel door-knocker earrings....Anywoo - here is a beautiful Chanel (the color is amazing!!) from MOMA. This dress looks so modern and fresh. Well, its was created in 1927, yup that's Chanel for you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Scoop - A Bladed Baldwin

If you don't follow The Scoop by Courtney Hazlett on (why wait for the goss in US Weekly, by then its already old news).
Start today....Blade gets a mention..

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Independent Spirit Awards II

As you may or may not know when I am not working on sponsorships, product placement, gift bags or something in that world, I am a consultant for Some times they overlap, and this was the case last year when I was working on David Arquette and Ben Harper's clothing launch. I approached a very large limo company in LA about Blade. They purchased a few, saw the results immediately, Bladed their entire fleet and then provided transportation for Propr.

It's important to a result of Prop, Ben Harper and Laura Dern not only learned about, but have become extremely supportive of Blade! Thanks guys!

In December, I approached the Independent Spirit Awards with this case study. I knew the event would be a carbon neutral event and I knew this non-profit had never offered chauffeured transportation for its presenters. They loved the idea and we offered this as an option for the presenters. Presenter/Actors including; Alec Baldwin, Jessica Alba, Andie MacDowell and about 8 others took eco-transportation. It was a win win for all!

This is Mickey's acceptance unedited speech which was heavily edited for TV - enjoy!

Last Week

It's always great to attend a party or two but when its a party or two a night it can be taxing...that is what happened last week. I did swing into the Global Green Pre Oscar Party on Thursday. I can't comment on the performances since I was upstairs in the VIP which had a rocking DJ so we camped out there.

The Indepedent Spirit Awards occurred on Saturday and drinking endless glasses of Champagne, eating pretty good food, especially when you consider it was catered for 1500, and mingling with many many actors that I GUSH over is a great way to spend your Saturday afternoon.

Many of you may not know, the awards are technically the Film Independent Spirit Awards and Film Independent is a non-profit. If you want to continue to have the option of independent films at your local cinema you may want to support this org.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Pay up execs! You run your company to the ground, the govt (ie taxpayers) bail you out and you think there are no consequences or requirements to give back the tens of millions you 'earned.' Oh yeah, let's review those pensions too - since you wiped out those of all your employees.

I guarantee you can't read this article without your blood boiling!

Friday, February 20, 2009


La Boudoir (link above) has a well written blog post today. It's definitely a 'demms the breaks' time in our world...banking exes, who somehow sleep at night with millions and billions in the bank while we have to wipe up their mistakes. When I was growing up, if you failed something you were let go, not giving more money to try again. And then there is the housing situation but I am getting too worked up just thinking about those people who took out huge seconds on overvalued homes, spent all the cash and now we are bailing out.

How about a tax cut or rebate to those Americans who follow the rules; pay their bills on time and have good credit history. Aren't they the ones to be rewarded?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A hundie

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Santa Monica pier. Last night I was invited to a small gathering at the Carousel. The party was nice and Joan Baez performed a few songs. The coolest part of the evening was driving on the pier and parking for free! Hey, its the little things....

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

OMG, shoes

Yes I think I was the last person to catch the youtube sensation - if I am wrong & you dont know what I am talking about click here -

More importantly, here is my latest obsession. They are Lanvin, which should give you an idea of the cost - $$$$$!

I first spied these at Satine over the weekend. Unfortunately, they aren't even a possible purchase until they move to the back of the store AKA the 70% zone. But how gorgeous and perfect with everything in my closet!

OMG, shoes....

Monday, February 16, 2009

Massage Weirdness

I think I am still defrosting from the NAACP Awards, more on that later....I cashed in a gift certificate for a massage yesterday. The massage was nice but all of the sudden the therapist was brushing my hair. Ok - one GROSS who else has used the brush and two my hair is curly/wavy and is not brushed when dry~

Thursday, February 12, 2009

NAACP Awards - happens tonight. Check out the live stream to see our backstage eco-lounge. So excited to meet Al Gore and listen to Stevie Wonder perform!
Sorry for the LAME posted, but I am slammed....

Monday, February 9, 2009

Better than My Birthday

Today is National Fondue Day, make mine Chocolate....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I've got no water and haven't for an hour+ because the '20 minute' item LA Water and Power wanted to work on has now turned into 'Houston we have a problem....,' finally after I couldn't take it anymore and it had been close to 20 minutes (even 5 is illegal) I had to go to the Ryder moving van and tell them it was illegal to idle the 18 wheeler for that long, not to mention the noise and air pollution and they are filming pretty much outside my door which started very early this am.

Here's a photo of the trucks, the filming is directly in front of the trucks. Gives you an idea of how close I am talking....the fun never ends....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

NAACP Awards Eco-lounge + Earthlust

I've been working hard on the NAACP Awards eco-lounge at the Shrine next week. I don't want to JINX or let the cat out of the bag just yet. But I am BEYOND excited at some our confirmed guests. Until then I want to share the hippest and eco water bottle out there - Earthlust.

Monday, February 2, 2009


It would be such a bad relationship since I couldn't drive or walk in it's perfectly clear the why I lust for these babies