Thursday, April 30, 2009


imaging CS blurting - 'FIERCE TRANNY FEROCIA' - always makes me laugh!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Beach Clean Up

Over the weekend I participated in the Aveda Beach Cleanup.....cig butts and plastic bottle tops are the big winners! The most digusting part was when people almost made the trash can and felt that was good enough. COME You lazy MF****RS!!!!!

Free Mix

This is a good one - free download here -

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So hot!

It's been a scorcher here on the westside of LA. I can't even fathom how hot it was on the eastside or even valley yesterday - YIKES!

This weekend, in SM the Vintage Expo is back. The prices are a little steep but its great if not just for window shopping. The amaziiing NY shop CHERRY is usually there. It rocks but the prices are STEEP.

The website for more info -

Friday, April 17, 2009

On My Radar

Adele with strings and Etta James with the Roots at the Hollywood Bowl

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


It's about time! Muji, finally, has a webstore, US based. I found Muji in London ages ago! They have been selling on for awhile but now they have their own store. Yeah!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I am on the fence about heading out to Coachella. True to last year, they are predicting very hot weather. The lineup is good, there are definitely more than a few bands and parties worth checking but still unsure. If Coachella is not in your forecast you can still catch all the great tuneage on the Coachella Widget -

No Subs

Can't speak for anyone but moi, but whenever I crave something (ie chocolate or in this case shoes) substitutions just don't cut it. This is a big problem since my current craving consists of a $600 bootie. You can click here to purchase for me

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

L Frank

There is no question that Liseann's jewelry is spectacular but sooo out of my budget. Within my budget and just as spectacular are her 100% all natural beeswax candles in the most delicious scents. I myself, am partial to the lime. You can see all the beautiful jewelry on her website but you probably need to call or visit for the candles.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Valentino: The Last Emperor

Over the weekend I had the fortune of watching this film AND catching a Q&A with the director Matt Tyrnauer who is a character in his own right. Without spoiling anything - go see it!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Bruno Meinspace

Bruno trailers are everywhere - its hysterical and worth viewing if you haven't caught it yet. If you enjoyed the trailer you must visit Bruno's meinspace page - & when you do make sure your sound is ON!

Happy Friday, Passover, Easter.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Furniture Score!

I am reluctant to share because it is SUCH a good find!!! But I want to support Alexis & CO. This is a goldmine for furniture at great prices. Plus vintage is as eco as you can get!

Check out their website -

And then give 'em a ring, in Mid-Wilshire

You're Welcome!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Grunion Time

The grunions are back, those sex starved fish return to Venice Fri & Sat night.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sunny Weekend & New Sunscreen

It was a GORGEOUS SoCal weekend which required many hours outdoors and thus mucho sunscreen protection. I recently came across the new sunscreen by the folks of Ecolips. It comes in a handy container similar to a lip balm = no sticky hands. It works and no post sunscreen breakouts. Thumbs UP!

Monday, April 6, 2009

In Front of the Camera

...since I first met Nick in Boulder. I've known him as an Accomplished Writer and Editor for Sender Films. Imagine my surprise last night, watching the trailers waiting for the Feature when up pops Nick. The star and subject of Enlighten Up!
If you want to listen a segment about Nick and the movie on NPR click here

Congrats Mr.Rosen!

Earth Hour

Don't know how they did it, but its too cool. Click on the photo and watch the landmark or cityscape fade for Earth Hour at