Sunday, May 31, 2009


I had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with one of the co-founders of this magazine over the weekend. Though, I would call this publication 'reference' rather than a magazine. Since this Corduroy is something you may want to covet rather than read and recycle like a magazine.

Corduroy Magazine - go get a copy!

Modern Day McQueen

As in Steve...does this hot fellah not conjure images of Steve McQueen??? His name is Cam Gigadent.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Italian Grocery

It could be yours too!! Don't even think about buying olive oil, vinegars, pasta, cheese, etc anywhere else. And don't think this means you are going to pay up the wazoo - actually, quite the opposite. You can get all the fixing (including vino) for a great italian meal for far less than you would ever spend at whole foods.

Always reminds me of when I lived in Italy. And today was my absolute fav, as Marco, the owner made me a sandwich and then asked if I wanted a beer too!!!

Guido Marcello Ltd.
1649 10th Steet
Santa Monica , CA 90404
Tel: (310) 452-6277
Fax: (310) 452-3024


This handsoap rox!!

all FURTHER products with glycerin derived from waste grease supplied by Mario Batali and Nancy Silverton's Los Angeles flagship restaurant MOZZA!

Yummm mozza - even thinking about used oil from mozza makes me hungry for their pizza!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mohawk General Store

If you happen to be on the east side of the city, be sure to stop in this gem of a store. With m's and w's fashions, shoes, art and a whole lot more! Mohawk General Store -

The Lamp is Work lamps handmade in France by Jielde. The brand was started in 1950 as a work lamp company. They are the only shop in Los Angeles to carry them.

Have a great holiday weekend, summer is officially HEERRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Shop your closet

Over and over I see, hear and read how the recession is forcing many of us (including myself even if you read the next post) to shop our closets! It is a very eco thing to do, besides saving money.

Here's a great website does just that and so much more

Well, hello there....

Say hello to my fab summer tote. It's even more lovely in person. Created by Clare Vivier using leather that would otherwise go into the rubbish pile!

This isn't the first time I am suggesting you go to her website and get a bag of your own.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Deep Thoughts....

...just kidding. But the email below definitely got me thinking, read it for yourself...

Your life is a reflection of the conversation in your

Here's what that means: If your primary conversation is
about business, than your life will turn into business. If
it's about spirituality, than everything will have a spiritual
tone. If you're stuck, than everything will reflect that energy.

Whether you're aware of it or not, the conversation in your
mind is completely and totally responsible for your reality.

So the million dollar question becomes: "Are you in the
right conversation?"

The only way to know is to honestly look at the current
spectrum of your life and decide whether you are enjoying
your story or not. Is it fulfilling you? Are you making the
most powerful and positive impact? Do you feel good
about the direction you're heading?

If the answer is no, look for a teacher, a mentor, or a coach
who can help you change that conversation immediately.
Yes, it is possible.

If the answer is yes, help others NOW.

As you move through the world today, really focus on
observing the conversation in your mind. Notice what you
see, acknowledge what it's creating, and make your choice.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Anna Wintour on 60minutes

She may be the reigning queen but maybe its time for a new leader. I am tired of Annie Leb shoots, the layout, the look. It's flat and stale. These days, I'll take an Elle over Vogue anyday...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

To Answer.....

Little did I know that my dog, a Scottish Deerhound named Ollie would be such the celebrity. I am not exaggerating! I am stopped numerous times daily even while trying to maintain a low profile = running in the am when nobody is out, not walking him during peak times of the day, staying away from the touristy areas of Venice - yeah, you know what I mean.
People stop traffic in their cars to comment or inquire, People ask me to take a photo with Ollie, Photographers ask to shoot him in their studio for a stock photo (never offering to pay), he's been asked to be in films (again with no pay).
And this happens repeatedly...Then the questions begin....99.9% of the time in this order
What kind of dog is it?
How old is he?
What did he look like as a puppy?
How big was he as a puppy?
How long have I had him?
Does he eat a lot? (To what am I comparing)
Where did you get him?
How much did he cost? Seriously??
And on and on....some are so ridiculous its hard to respond without complete sacarsm in my response.
And then are those that just pet Ollie and say nice dog - AHHHHHHHH!!!!!

The Urban Craft Center

Since I have yet to take a class (maybe intro to knitting...???) or tooled around in their pay by the hour studio I don't have a complete review...BUT it Looks really good from the window - The Urban Craft Center

Monday, May 11, 2009

Our City Dreams

I caught a screening over the weekend of this wonderful doc, followed by a Q&A with the producer/director Chiara Clemente. This is a good one, don't miss it!

Learn all about the film @

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Get Lip

care from Pangea the standard de riguer gift bag item always seems to be a lip goo or two, I've sampled my share. Pangea Organics are a definite thumbs up. They work and smell great! For me, it's a toss up between the Mandarin and Grapefruit. Go to to get yours...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


And not just a pretty face, he's a baller too. Soccer Baller, he's a Brit after all!

(Photo from Met Gala courtesy of

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The People Speak, They Want a Tool not a Toy....

RIM's BlackBerry Curve Outsells iPhone in Quarter

Research In Motion Ltd.'s BlackBerry Curve outsold the Apple Inc. iPhone during the first three months of the year, market tracker NPD Group reported Monday.
Boosting Curve sales was an aggressive "buy-one-get-one" promotion by U.S. carrier Verizon Wireless, owned by Verizon Communications Inc. and Vodafone Group PLC, according to NPD.
The marketing, and the Curve's widespread availability in the U.S., drove its market share 15% higher annually, while the iPhone's U.S. share fell 10%, according to NPD. The researcher did not provide unit sales figures for the devices.
Four major U.S. carriers sell the Curve. AT&T Inc. sells the iPhone under an exclusive arrangement with Apple.
Apple's iPhone 3G had been the No. 1-selling U.S. smartphone between June and December. An Apple spokeswoman had no immediate comment.
Overall, U.S. sales of smart phones during the first three months of 2009 were "steady" despite the recession.
Smartphone sales rose an anemic 1% annually, while revenue from sales dropped 2% on a dip in average smart-phone prices, NPD reported.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hollywood Hyprocrite

It always irks me when celebs want their privacy from the photogs. Come on....that the price you pay for the overinflated salaries you generate from films and endorsements....Here's a good one - Ms Berry got so fed up at this outing and kept pleading - Cut the shots, I'm with my kid. Naturally, they didn't and eventually Ms Berry yelled to F**** cut it out. Hummm, ok to drop the F bomb in front of the kid but no photos - Hollywood Hypocrite strikes again....

Friday, May 1, 2009

Intelligent Nutrients...

....are lovely products. I am currently enjoying the moisturizer. Check out the entire line at
Happy Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!