Monday, August 30, 2010


I am not one to take credit for others smart ideas....Over the weekend the creator of Together We Kill made one for my blog - stay tuned
In the interim check out MS's blog - here

Thursday, August 26, 2010


YogaEarth - Love the product and packaging - as so do Elena Brower, Seane Corn and Vogue Magazine...that's a serious list of endorsements!!!
If the names Elena Brower and Seane Corn mean nothing to you - click here & here


Via Clare of Seevivier Blog and Bag Fame, I unearthed Jeana Sohn's Blog which I A -dore! Guess you could say I blogstalk her. She has a cool sense about her, add to that she's friends with Clare who I happen to think is tres chic! Think I might have even met Ms JS at a Taylor de Cordoba opening...The point of this post is that Jeana recently posted a pair of Rachel Comey shoes that I LOVE love luv!!! Guess it best that we are not friends otherwise we would probably own the same pair of shoes, awkward!!!

(Rachel Comey shoes via Jeana Sohn blog)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

All Saints Clothing + SMP

I was fortunate enough to walk thru Santa Monica Place a handful of times prior to the opening. Thou I must admit I have yet to check it out since completed.

When I do finally make it over, I am very interested to see all of the clothes at the All Saints Shop - above is a pretty cool promo vid for the shop.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Heat Wave II

or I depending on what post you read first...

In keeping with the heat wave + watermelon theme...I recently learned of the food + bevie + other goodies blog The Kitchy Kitchen - this site is LOADED with awesome cocktail recipes!!!

Perhaps one may become the signature cocktail at my bday next week....


Ahhhh, summer is officially ON! Better late than never! It's so warm on the westside I can't image what's happening on the other side of town - probably melting sidewalks...
Over here, its all about Watermelon!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

JM Basquiat

Looking forward to the screening of the new Jean Michel Basquiat The Radiant Child, by Tamra Davis, followed by a Q+A with Jeffrey Deitch!!

TGIF peeps!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Blocking my way up Temescal this am - I H-A-T-E snakes +++especially rattlesnakes, which this one most definitely was!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


photo from bravotv

From NYMag - maybe if you nourished yourself a bit more, these hiccups would not seem so tragic! Then again that's what you want from reality TV.
Rachel Zoe and Brad face real tragedy - recap from most recent episode. Actually MUCH better than true recap - click here

How does the saying go - Save the Drama for yer Mama??

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

OC ++

If you dig Opening Ceremony (as in the shop!) you will LUV the blog - nuff said

Friday, August 13, 2010

FREE Saturday

If you are looking to surround yourself around Art and Music for FREE on Sat - check out Bloomfest

The City of Brotherly Love

Is the birthplace of Italian Ice in the US of A, or wait is it NYC....errrr the battle continues.

Yesterday I encountered the Tango Mango Italian Ice Company and sampled some delish flavors; mango, CHOCOLATE CHIP!!!

Now if we could only have some summer heat here in SoCal, we would all want some refreshing Italian Ice
MangoTango is on facebook or twitter handle - tangomangoice

TGIF peeps!!!
What's on your radar??

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Visual Storyteller + Eat, Pray No Love

LATimes launches - Framework - the photography and video blog by the LATimes. This will serve as not only a diary but a resource for all visual artists. C-O-O-L!

On a side note - I am SICK of Eat, Pray Love and it's not even out yet. This film is so OVERmerchandised and OVER capitalized, its disgusting.
Thus far, I've had furniture, clothing, perfume and more than one jewelry collaboration thrust in front of my face. Isn't the 'moral' of the story about stripping all the layers and finding your true self. Seems quite contradictory if you ask me!!
And to cap it off I heard that Julia Roberts is now a practicing Hindu???

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Do you know about Ladies Lotto? You should - click here

Friday, August 6, 2010

Itty Bitty Divas

I’m not going to take off my heels. You’re short. Embrace it.”

—Disney star Selena Gomez responded to Justin Bieber's request that she change her shoes so Gomez wouldn’t tower over him.

What a good role model: never sacrifice footwear for a man, er, boy.

From NYTimesMomentBlog - the best!

Ipods & Ipads

My ipod is on its last leg....(it's sooo old school version 1.0 20g all white) - poor thing keeps freezing and dying and restarting and freezing and dying and restarting.

Anyone got a spare ;o)!!!!! please please??

I would DIE without music for my runs or workouts, yet for some reason all thoughts lead to the ipad.

If I were to indulge it would most definitely be held in one of Clare's hot pink Ipad covers!! Yet another Clare Vivier piece I covet! Actually, is there a Clare piece that I don't covet?
You must check out ALL her goodies here -

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I first learned of Rosel via FashionAir - the killer (now defunct) website by the creator of Net-a-Porter and Simon Fuller of 19 Entertainment. He's created a few hits such as American Idol...anyways, I digress.

The founder of this collection is uber-cool as is the line of eco-knitwear. I would love a shrug or cozy sweater - either or the above - but the website looks plum out.

Check out her site -

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Social Media Revolution

The video speaks for itself

Monday, August 2, 2010


Waiting for the recipe for these absolutely totally deeeelish strawberry rhubarb cupcakes w cream cheese frosting!!! And this coming from a chocolate lover!

But aren't they G-O-R-G -this is a photo before we destroyed them on Friday night!!