Friday, February 25, 2011

West =____?

A very cool artist creates a very cool book.
Doug asked 1000 people on the street - What is your idea of the West?
If Doug asked you what would your response be?

Recently, I had the fortune of meeting and wrapping with Doug for a bit. Doug is a profilic artist to say the least. One of his more recent projects is a series of video vignettes entitled Patterns + Repetition - you can view his conversation with Jack White here

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Small goes BIG!

I first wrote and befriended Dee of (Dee+Ricky) back in Jan '08 - you can read about it here
Just so happens the crew are/have been in town for the past week. I convinced them to come check out Venice/Abbot Kinney and they did. Fun times and so happy to hear about all the great projects past, present and future!

Above is a photo of their G-shock watch which sold out in like half a second!

Monday, February 21, 2011


So good to see friends/local independent business soaring!!! Go Akinney court!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Whoa Baby...

...this is the ONLY Lockheed 10E deemed flight worthy in existence! The very same plane Amelia Earhart used on her fateful flight.
This 10E is now the centerpiece of an amazing concept, mission, journey entitled Women Have Wings, spearheaded by two courageous women and friends of mine - click here to learn more and get involved!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Poacher or 'Drawing Inspiration x 2?'

Yes it bares a striking resemblance, start to finish to 'Express Yourself,' if I were Madonna I would be asking for $.

Did you happen to catch the resemblance to Kylie Minogue's Album Cover....

Side by Side

Song = doesn't sound to original
Art = doesn't look too original
Just saying....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Of a /Kind..

...of a problem! Quit posting soo many things I want to buy!
You've been forewarned - click here, you know you can't help yourself....
I also want the Kimberly Baker ring - here - ecckkkkk

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hot Art

M+B you never disappoint...another great opening! Malick Sidibe
Oh a side note - 2 of the Art Related Events I attended over the weekend had work stolen. The latter by a parent of one of the children we assisted at the workshop...hello??? The other was a photo by Jason Lee of Dennis Hopper - more info here

Nights + Weekends

Nights + Weekends - new blog I am digging

LOVE the archive feature on Tumblr lifestyle blogs!