Friday, June 1, 2007

Philly Boys

I am crushing on these brothers in Philly; artistic. eco-conscious and entrepreneurial. Jaime and Issac Salm - the founders of Mio

In 2001 Mio originated with the with the objective of combining business rigor with environmentally and socially progressive design. Mission accomplished - lots of stars for you!

Example one - Bendant Lamp created from a single piece of recycled steel powder coated, flat packed. You receive, open and customize. All for around $150! Genius, great colors and styley.

Example two - SoftBowls made from 100% wool. Yes the bowls, are great looking but it doesn't end there. The brothers decide to partner with one of the last remaining millineries in the US. It gives the millinery some opportunity to diversify their business and hopefully stick around for years to come. Plus the production is low energy intensive as most of work to produce the bowls is via people power + steam.

Curious to learn more? Visit their website - click here