Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Blood Boiling

Yesterday was hot indeed but it did seem to cool down after 6. So my friend Melissa and I decided to take our dogs + 1 to the trail on the westside of the Boulder Valley Ranch. When we pulled up there was a guy in a subie, A/C running and dogs in the back - chatting on his cell. We unloaded the pooches and went on our way. WELL, we returned and here's the same guy in a subie, A/C running and dogs in the back - chatting on his cell. We were furious - it was not that hot and he was about 5 inches from the trailhead where the dogs could be running and outside and the car turned off. I mean come'on!!!!

If that wasn't enough I ran to WF after, it's now about 7:30p. I walk in and there are two people sitting in an SUV eating with the A/C running, car idling. Again, there are plenty of options for places to dine - inside WF, outside WF and it was even mild enough to just have the windows open - CAR OFF. Anyways, I pick up a few things, wait in some insanely long lines and head out. There I encounter same two people sitting in an SUV eating with the A/C running, car idling!!!

WHAT IS GOING ON????? Do these people live in a bubble, just don't give a crap or what?