Monday, August 20, 2007

Eco Rationale

Endless attention on Eco and Green these days, I am all for it. But I think it's important to remember that while an item may not be deemed 100% eco or green, excellent craftsmanship, design and materials go a long way. If you buy a leather bag that may be pricey but you keep the bag for 10 years not only are you spending less in the long run, you are keeping that much more waste out of the landfills. Such is the case with a leather wallet I purchased in Europe eons ago. Il Bisonte is the brand, at the time it was a sizable purchase for me. Recently, I had to retire the wallet after weeks of searching, I just can't seem to find a suitable alternative. When I went online to purchase the wallet and found this bag...

I am trying to justify the very expensive purchase with the same rationale....