Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Dinner Parties and Nigella

My ideal party is a handful of good people over; mulling around the kitchen, cooking, chatting and drinking. Maybe its due to my time spent living in Europe whose to say? I like to cook in a style that doesn't call for a lot of measuring or directions. A carefree method so to speak.

One person who works in this liberated way is the lovely Nigella Lawson. I adore her show and how she flitters about the kitchen. She now has a home collection, Living Kitchen - click here for the entire collection. But I have posted a few pieces below, including her famous mezzaluna. If you have ever watched her show you know she can not go far without this utensil. Btw - the platter is made by South African potter Di Marshall. Di works from a small studio in George, South Africa, employing 18 local people. The pottery is individually hand made from start to finish. It's all gorgeous.