Friday, September 14, 2007

Point of Contention

It was a little chilly this morning, ideal temp for jeans, cute top and boots. This type of ensemble is always my preferred wardrobe. It's just right for Boulder, the most casual town.
However, my office seems to be the one exception to the norm. NO JEANS - even on Fridays, you can wear ugly cargo pants but no jeans!!! I guess it makes sense considering the founder of the company is a living and breathing (well barely) Mr. Burns, and I am being generous.
But come on!! To adhere to the stupid rule I am currently sporting my prize Ever hoodie, some pants and vans.

I guarantee you I would be much more of a DO than a DON'T if I was rocking one of the fabulous pairs of jeans in my stable; whether my newest acquisition Fidelity's (love them), serfontaines or 1921's. They all look a hell of a lot nicer than my current choice of attire. Or even a pair of those wide leg trouser jeans all the denim manufacturers are pushing...
Here's a pic-look from Lucky/The Sartorialist that is perfect for casual Fridays...

Humm - maybe I should draft a memo...