Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sunday Mystery Meat

Sunday was a cool, overcast day in Boulder. Early evening I popped by Kimmie & KP's adobe and lucky for me KP happened to be whipping up a little din din. Kimmie and I caught up on my LA travels and KP cooked - love the role reversal!

While former employment includes cheffing it up in Aspen, these days KP scouts and books all the entertainment at the Boulder Theater - Public Enemy 10/25!!!
We looked at their backstage requests - nothing juicy here.

Getting off KP whipped up this pasta, sausage and veggie ensemble. Perfect meal for the dreary day and while I am not a vegetarian I try not to eat much meat. The meal was delish and what was most surprising was when the chef informed me that I was not eating meat but Tofurky Sweet Italian Sausage. Score!! Yum!!