Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Vintage Questions

In NY I met up with DW, the fabulous eco-stylist. She took me to Norma's for brunch!! Nice call girl!
We got to chatting about fashion and vintage, the subject of vintage fur came up. Both of us have various vintage items, hand-me-downs (for lack of a better term) and otherwise. DW asked my take on vintage fur, where did I stand?
I am all for it. I don't see anything wrong with wearing something that my gmom or other relative purchased over 50 years ago. And rather in my closet than some heap god knows where.
Today I came across these buttons - seems I am not alone.
If you have vintage fur and want to purchase one of these pins call Rue St. Denis 212-260-3388 to order. Medium button is $15, large button is $20; shipping charges separate.