Friday, November 30, 2007


Boulder is downright cold today. My days in Boulder are numbered and I am OVER resort skiing. But for whatever reason I began to think about the temps up at the Resorts, the pending xmas crowds and what happens up there. For those of you who get what I am saying, you understand why it immediately made me think about the over the top, CHEEZY, uber Ritzy, Glam Shop Gorusch. In honor of this time of year, I created a warm and cozy outfit! (Note to readers - I would NEVER wear these pieces, there are enough that already do)! Plus, I think I would be burned at the stake if I tried to sport this little number in Boulder. Oh yeah and I should mention that this get-up would knock you back about $5K.
I am off to bundle up and go for a run...I know insane. Have a great weekend!!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

AG + The Kiss

On my last trip to LA I was somehow convinced to try on a pair of AG Jeans, actually they are a super thin wale cord called The Kiss. It's been years since I wore or thought about this line. Anyways, I bought 'em. I have to admit they are super comfy and since its been so bloody cold here I am wearing them and again and again. So much so that last week, while back East I search for another pair but no one had them in stock!! I may have to search for Cyber Friday deals....

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Another Fruit

Another fruit that appears in the market this time of year is the Meyer Lemon. This is a less tart version of your typical lemon. It has a wonderful aroma and smooth texture. I find it best used with vodka (preferably Chopin) + splash of soda!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Denver MCA

A few weeks ago I stopped in the new home of the Denver Museum of Contemporary Art. The building is modern, spacious and I have to be honest, somewhat empty. This I found disappointing. The top floor housed the work of David Altmejd. His was the only work I found somewhat intriguing. Here is a photo I took inside... (sorry for the annoying border I am too busy to fix it).
Afterwards, I happened to find this article about the artist and the exhibit in W Magazine. Click here to read the entire piece. I have to admit after reading it gave me a new understanding and a better appreciation for the exhibit.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Stephanie DeArmond

I have been meaning to scribe about this for too long, I am jammed today so it's going to be super brief but I gotta get it out! Last year I toured the MFA Thesis Exhibit at CU I came across the work of Stephanie DeArmond. It was so unique, creative and powerful. I couldn't forget it. A few weeks ago I was reading my coveted NY Times Sunday Mag and there was a giant 'T' created by Stephanie!! I can't find a shot of the page and my copy is too wrinkled to scan. So here are some other great pieces by Stephanie.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


If rolling your jeans to avoid chain suck, tears or grease while riding your bike just isn't cool enough for you then consider the Windrider Bicycle Clip made from Reflective PVC. Designed by Gijs Bakker available at the Conran Shop - thanks to BoingBoing. Click here to purchase

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Have a great day, however you chose to spend it....

Back to the Right Coast

Back to the Right Coast tomorrow - YEEHAW!! I have to pack at some point, this is the ONLY negative in junction with traveling, as far as I am concerned. I need to hire a packing service - HAHA.

Be Green Like Your Fav Celeb

It's out...the 2007 Green Celeb Gift List - click here for all the goodies!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

American Girl in Ipanema

Not long ago I read the founder of H.Stern has passed. This instantly brought back the memories of the two summers I lived in Rio. Every day as we walked to the beach, (I know rough life), we passed a palatial hotel. On the corner of the hotel housed a H.Stern boutique. Large glass windows showcased the glittering geodes and gems, pieces that the glamorous Brazilian women wear with ease.
This memory beckoned me to the H.Stern website and with my unlimited imaginary Cruzeiros kna the Real I purchased...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Seen & To be Seen

I am not a reviewer or critic. Gold & Silver Stars is merely a platform for me to scribe about the things that please (ok, sometimes displease) me. I watched Richard Avedon's documentary - Darkness and Light this week, 4 stars in my book!Tomorrow I am attending the Julian Schnabel film, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. I know its going to be sad and intense but I can't wait! Plus, I love the story behind the story. The movie is based on the autobiography of the former Editor of French Elle. A book that sat on Julian Schnabel's bookshelf for years. One day, performer Laurie Anderson stopped by....ah the life of a famous artist! She noticed the book on the shelf, professed her love for the book, Julian read the book and poof here we are...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh my darling, oh my darling...

Clementines cuties are back in season! Technically, its a variety of the mandarin but I just love their sweet little size and taste. Like a little candy treat with no guilt. When you aren't busy eating the clementines, put them in a wooden or silver bowl to add a decorative touch to your home.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Change is good, change is good

Must keep reminding myself of this today - UGHHHHH!!!!!

Sunday Must Do!!!

Do the following names mean anything to you; Seaton, Billy Blues, Rebecca Taylor, Rachel Pally, Ulla Johnson, Christina Lehr, Tibi, Hoss, Repetto, Tsesay, Ever, FreePeople, Calypso, LNA?
If so, then you want to head to Blush - this Sunday when the ENTIRE store is 40%!!!!
Blush 222 Steele St, Denver, CO - 303.399.7779

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

More Method in My Home...

I always reach for Method products; the hand soap, the cleaning wipes. All the products are effective and smell great - never chemically. When I arrived home last week to a box of goodies from the Method people I was beyond excited! The most notable product was an air freshener. Named the UFO - Unidentified Fragrance Object - love the Method humor. Typically, I find these types of products contain a most unnatural scent and are way too overpowering . Not this one, its subtle, natural smelling and lets not forget the simple yet modern lines of this little wiz.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Starz Evening Part Deux

I was back in Denver for the Gala Dinner and film premiere for the Film Festival this weekend past. The film was JUNO and I highly recommend it!! Since I wasn't into really glamming it up, it was going to be a long night and I was more into comfort than black tie. So, I wore this Shoshanna dress, with brown tights, gold Sigerson Morrison flats (these aren't the exacts but you get the gist), I don't think the dress lends well to boots, as shown in the photo. And of course, my Marine blue patent clutch by MJM of Yeah, I rocked it out...

Friday, November 9, 2007

Eco-fashions on The Today Show

Eco-friendly fashion
Eco-friendly fashion
- Click to watch and see all the fab garb for any type of event! To toot my own horn a bit, I assisted Danna on this piece.

Starz Fashions???

Last night I attended the Starz Film Festival Premiere of The Savages + after party. OK, the only reason I hit the after party was to eat. It was 10p I was starved!!! If what I witnessed was any indication of some of the fashion faux pas in store for tomorrow night's events, than I OMG I am at a loss for words. The topper was the woman in the double layer pants - nude underneath with a layer of black tulle mesh on top, elastic waist too. PEOPLE PLEAZZZEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
No doubt some are going to be dressed to the hilt! Not moi! But, if I had a wad of cash wasting away in my pocket tonight here are two tops, Chloe and Miu Miu respectively, + a great pair of MJ's - Bottega Veneta, I would consider buying to wear.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

More to Calypso than The Julia

Calypso is famous for the Julia dress and beachy fashions. But its much more than that - I LOVE the shop and always make a point of stopping by, whether in NY or CA. I never have a problem finding items, the problem is always making a decision as to how hard I want to dent my bank account. I was perusing the site this am and found some great items to add to my hit list....and the dress, btw, CASHMERE - yummy!

Lovely Tyler

I saw this photo a few days ago on (GREAT site if ya don't know it!) and loved it. She looks so comfortable, stylish yet casual in this ensemble - I could easily find myself in this outfit...

JoyEngine to the Rescue

Last night TB of JoyEngine helped me to smarten up Gold & Silver Stars a bit...whatcha think? Thanks TB!
Here is a photo of Todd finishing up a project so he can give me his undivided attentionHe also gave me grief about the white space around the photos I insert in the blog, via my mobile. So please notice his photo - white space FREE!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Rock Gut

Ughhh - my stomach has been killing me all day!! I just want to go fetal, whenever I feel this way, I reach for some Reed's candied ginger. It does wonders!!! Just need to hold out a little bit longer.....

Monday, November 5, 2007

People's Republic of Boulder

For whatever reason Fri, Sat, Sun evolved into the quintessential or stereotypical (if I want to be negative) 'Boulder' weekend for me. Since it's once in a very very rare I guess it's ok, but day in and day out, I would go bonkers. Hence the reason some changes are in the work, stay are some hi-lights
Friday night - drinks at The Corner Bar followed by music at the Boulder Theater. It was a group from Mali, very good but I couldn't remember the name if you paid long as it's not hard core country or death metal I am always good for a listen.
Saturday - off to the res for Cyclocross or Psychocross depending on how you look at it! Then over to NBoulder/Broadway for some lunch at Breadworks. Between this spot, Marie's, Moe's and Vic's - it's always a guaranteed scene! Then to the last Farmers Market of the season. I picked up a friend, and him and I were off to Eldorado Springs to visit with the folks of Backyard Hive. Fast forward a few hours and it's dinner at the Mt Sun - you can't get more Boulder than the Mt Sun.
Sunday am - attempted breakie at The Kitchen. Bad idea as about 40 other people had the same brillant plan, sub Radda for some eats - bad sub...eventually head out to Sobo for the Super Cup, National Cyclocross race. Oh my god - a thousand Boulderbots running around with their shaved legs, messenger bags and athletic sunglasses...

Balloon Lamp

Click here to purchase the balloon kit - for $30 this ingenious creation that transforms a simple balloon into any possible type of light fixture you can imagine.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Cocktails + The Kitchen

While vodka is my standard, I love a good glass of champagne, any chance possible!! I recently made a 10yr bet with my friend MJ (subject not to be disclosed). When she loses, which she will, she will buy me a bottle of Veuve Clicquot.
Over the years I have had the opportunity to sample some of the over-hyped expensive shit but in my book Veuve is a great bottle for the money.
But on a recent visit to The Kitchen Upstairs, (I should mention there are lots of recent visits to the Kitchen; breakfast, lunch and dinner), I tried a sparkling wine made from Pinot Noir grapes. It was a deep beautiful red color and was delish. Thanks Kitchen guys, yet another way to lure me in....

Joe + Save the Dolphins

Back in early October I caught up with an old friend, Joseph Chisolm. We have know one another for years and in the short window that we had we talked about our comings and goings.
I was gearing up for my NY-LA trip and Joe was heading to Japan with a group of surfers to film and help to shed some light on the horrible dolphin massacres. Obviously his trip was far more important than mine so he filled me in as fast as he could.
Yesterday the story and footage broke big time!!!! It's spinning around the world and lightening fast speed! Way to go Joe!
This is directly from the man.....The last 3 weeks have been life changing for me in so many ways that all I can do is share some of the images with you all and ask that you please pass them on to every conscious person that you know and believe would like to help us make some radical changes in our complete human consciousness. I have been blessed to have been put in a position to interact with so many amazing people that came together for this.....tears flow as I write to you, I ask that you take a moment to watch, listen, feel and share this around the world.......
the footage is going out around the world as we speak,>,,30000-1291049,00.html
look for it on CNN, and please join the MINDS IN THE WATER VISUAL PETITION on website
I will send more news, links and such as it happens, and if you see something locally, share it with everyone you know, including myself...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Finds even at Filson.....

As many of my friends know, I have a wee bit of a shopping problem. I can find goods in most any store. Today, as an example, I hit Filson. This store is a super conserv, hunting shop targeting Men...have no fear I have found some items. I should also mention Filson produces a heavy duty but great looking luggage line but we are focused on clothes peeps....

Here are my hits. 1 - We all know how popular the Buffalo Check is for A/W but if a shirt or jacket is too much consider this lovely lid. 2. You want to embrace the Buffalo Check trend full on, then this jacket is for you! And I bet it's one of the jackets that gets better with age. 3. Who doesn't need a scarf....sure it's not cashmere but no complaints with a merino wool.

Well...hello Molly

Odd Molly that is. Not sure how I stumbled across this line but it's a score for sure! Odd Molly is a Swedish based company (although there is a store in LA!!!) the clothing is handmade, never mass produced with attention to ethical and conscious practices. I would say the designs are a cross between APC + Anthropologie + Marni + something you might have found in your Grammies closet.
Here are some of my picks - click here to jump to the site