Thursday, January 31, 2008

Aromafloria & the Crazy French

Stefanie S of Aimee Majoros PR sent me a killah box o'goodies from Aromafloria and Crazy Libellule and The Poppies (sounds like the name of a crazy french female gang on mopeds!). Not only was Stefanie an absolute joy to work with but girl sends pressies!!! How great is that! All the aromafloria products are top shelf and Crazy L makes these adorable little perfume sticks. Forgive the photo but they couldnt be cuter....

Eco Laundromat + Brothel...?

Reading my recent copy of Elle mag yesterday I came across this article, it seems Heidi Fleiss (former Hollywood madame and punching bag to Tom Sizemore) recently opened a Laundromat which will run on her own wind turbines - good job! Nearby she is starting a Stud Farm/Brothel for women....??? This while shacking up in the middle of nowhere Nevada with her 20+ parrots....what the braaawk!
Click here to read

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wild and Crazy Guy...and author

Years ago I read and fell in love with Shop Girl by actor, comedian, & funny guy Steve Martin. Steve has an autobiography, Born Standing Up (ok I am a little slow on this one, it dropped in Nov!!). Its getting great reviews and officially on my list of must reads.
Steve's website is pretty funny too.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Disney Vintage at the Fred Segal Lounge

I was lucky enough to tour the Fred Segal lounge at Sundance with Jackie the owner. My fav take home item was the long sleeve Disney Vintage tee. Its super soft and cut like most comfy sweatshirt imaginable without all the bulk. Plus they sport great slogans - like save gas, carpool, etc. Here are 2 of the short sleeve tees - visit Fred Segal to purchase


The winds are howling and my computer is crawling today so its gonna be brief....its the KCRW membership drive. I am a BIG fan of this station - there is nothing like it. If you live outside of LA you can listen online. Help keep public radio alive and please support.

Monday, January 28, 2008


I love presents, who doesn't? Between the blog and my work with product placement and sponsorships for green events I seem to have abundance of goodies arriving in my mailbox or inbox daily.
I am still wading through everything from Sundance but when Funktography appeared it all went on hold. Funktography is a beautiful collage of photographic images by Kenny Morrison. His bio is as interesting as his work....a childhood actor who at a young age found a love and affinity for the camera, virtually discovered and directed videos for the band Incubus at the ripe old age of 21 and continues to work both behind and in front of the camera today. Below are a few of my favorite images. All are available for purchase!! Hint, hint to the people who gripe that they never know what to get me. To find your own fav's click here

Spare Change

Use it to protect our beautiful oceans...Oceana

Sundance Champagne

I just cant say no to a glass of bubbly!!
I am a bit of a snob in this department, a every department. After all the hard work of hair blow outs and makeup treatments (kidding). I need a little refuel. The friendly guys from Barefoot Wines offered me a glass of their California Champagne, I was hesitant but who was I to say no?? It was very tasty and when they mentioned, it retails for around $10 a bottle I was blown away!!! Give it a try!

Rodarte Candle

One of my fav schwag goodies from Sundance was the candle created by the sister team of Rodarte...Kate and Laura Mulleavy. "A one-off candle as part of a special collaboration with event sponsor Lexus, all-natural 9 oz. soy candle boasting notes of cape jasmine, water lily, lavender, sea kelp, and lotus blossom. " I luckily scored 2!!!!These two are talented designers for sure...but a little odd IMO. Sisters who still share a room to this day. Who am I to judge, keep pumping out fab clothes and I goodies and I will keep my thoughts to myself...

Friday, January 25, 2008

New Finds

I have a bunch of GREAT (and Green) upcoming events (stay tuned for the deets) so its a major research day. But there is so much good stuff landing in my lamp its almost as easy as bumping into someone famous at Sundance!
West Paw Designs produces Eco toys and Bedding for your furry friend. I love this dog toy called the Tango.and next time you are on the hunt for organic and eco beauty products jump over to Future Natural. Great brands like; zoya (I wrote about the casey), suki pure and john masters just to name a few.

Ok, I think I am officially at my posting limit for the day. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!!

Chris Jordan + BMOCA + Portfolio Mag

Back in the fall BMOCA held an exhibit called EcoArts. The museum was filled with wondrous works but I was most impacted by a piece by Chris Jordan. The piece is entitled plastic bottles and it represents 2 million plastic bottles - the number of bottles used in the US every 5 minutes. If you have ever wondered where all the bottles go, read the extremely sad article I posted some time ago - Plastic Ocean.
The two images below are the actual photo and the enlarged version. The piece is enormous 10x5 feet.
While at the gym, I picked up a copy of Portfolio magazine. In the mag was an interview with Chris. Reading about his work, philosophy and approach to art activism made him all the more interesting to me..."he creates work that translate the emotionless sums he finds in his research into visual metaphors that read on two levels - a piece needs to legible as one thing from afar and another up close. " I love the ingenuity and duality of his work.
The piece below is comprised of 200,000 packs of cigarettes. This stands for the number of Americans who die every 6 months from smoking. I have included two shots for you to get a feel for the the work but you should visit Chris' site to see for yourself. The smoking print is 6x8.5 feet

The Best Cruiser!

For every 2 bikes sold a free bike goes to healthcare workers in Botswana to help them deliver drugs to Aids patients. -
Could there be a better cruiser?

Arrivederci Valentino

Wednesday was the final fashion show of the legendary fashion designer Valentino. After a 45 year career, he chose to return to his roots and city that birthed his fashion career, Paris. The collection was stunning, you can see all the gorg pieces on Here is one of my fav's... Arrivederci does not translate to goodbye. Literally, it means goodbye until I see you again. When in Rome, tradition says your final stop must be at the Trevi Fountain. You stand with your back to the fountain and throw a coin over your shoulder while saying Arrivederci!!! to ensure your return. Arrivederci Valentino, I look forward to seeing how you inspire the fashion designers of tomorrow.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


A few months ago I upgraded to the BB Pearl, its been quite the challenge to get the proper headset. I refuse to wear one of those dorky bluetooth versions. I will stick with the old school wire. In my car I go the speakerphone route anyways. I dropped my name onto the BB wait list for the headset - 2x I was emailed that they were available and by the time I went to order they were all gone. Finally, 3rd and my order was in! Hail Mary! When I returned from Sundance the box arrived but when I tried to put the jack into the headset hole it was too big? How could this be? This was the unit BB instructed me to purchase!!! I was annoyed and when I read the invoice and it said I was responsible for the shipping to return the headset I was fuming!
I sent an email to RIM explaining the situation and received this reply
Dear Jen,

We have issued you a credit. Do not worry about sending the headset back to us.

Thank you,

Shop Blackberry Support

All good - but I still need the proper be continued.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sundance Survival

If you've never been to Sundance, aside from eating in the Lounges its impossibly hard to grab a quick bite or even a cup of coffee for that matter. Why they wont allow cart vendors during the festival is beyond me???
Since I tend to eat small meals throughout the day I relied on energy bars to keep me going.

I tried a Probar - Whole Berry Blast for the first time at Sundance. I was a bit hesitant because its very high in calories but this baby kept me going to hours!!!! No bonking, no hunger - held me over until dinner, which were always late in the eve.

Now I need to find some here in town.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back + Sexy Beast

I am back from a whirlwind weekend at Sundance. I am still decompressing so if you want a quick wrap up jump over to Mary Jo's report -
Meanwhile....I arrived home late last night to find packages at my doorstep. Even though I am loaded up with schwag from Sundance I couldn't wait to open the boxes. One contained this lovely wrapped box with a card addressed to my poochie Ollie!

Inside was a set of grooming products from Sexy Beast Style . They are made without nasty chemicals and package design by none other than Karim Rashid!!!
Ollie is a Scottish Deerhound and quite unusual. He already attracts his fair share of attention I am worried to see what happens after he has a sexy beast grooming session....stay tuned.

PS - Ben Kingsley was out at Sundance promoting a new film but if you've never seen Sir Ben in Sexy Beast - its a must see!!!

More later....

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Off to Bob's Land

I am off to Sundance tomorrow am. Matt T made me an offer I couldn't refuse so I ended up working on a project launching at Sundance - full disclosure when I return.
And now I have a couple of meetings. Best of all I will see friends coming from LA!!!!

The weirdest thing is I am a HUGE movie buff so last time I went to Sundance I caught at least 3 movies a day. I have been so crazy lately I don't have a clue as to what's showing....

Have a good weekend!


We had record cold last night and in the Mountain Valleys (yes I meant to write MT + Valley) it was -30'!! Let me tell you walking my dog this morning was NOT fun. It was so cold I felt that my blood had frozen or that I was a human popsicle.
Kinda like this cute pic from Flickr

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Jennifer Yen sent me some lovely products from her line Purlisse. She was profiled in Elle magazine a few issues back. This women is a former Power Rangers Villain, can you imagine??Anyways the Purlisse Protect is already in my pile for Sundance - more on that later. Can't wait to try the whole line! Thanks Jennifer.

The Best Hoodie Ever

The some of best Hoodies (& t-shirts) come from LA based company - EVER. They ain't cheap but they are worth it and get better over time. But Ron Herman is having a HUGE online sale and you can get yours for 65%. Here is the link - Happy Shopping!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Go Sis!!!!

Kudos to my sista for lending a hand (or feet in this matter)!!!
Dear Friends and Family,
In 2001, I walked 60 miles in 48 hours, slept in a tent with a complete stranger, showered in a truck, went to the bathroom in a jiffy john, ate by a train track, and developed 36 blisters and numerous muscle cramps. And it was all for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. I swore I would never do it again. But a lot has changed since then. In 2001, I walked in my Father's honor to support his battle with Cancer. My son, Justin, hadn't been born yet, and I thought my Dad would live forever. Unfortunately, my Dad lost his battle with Cancer on July 21st, 2005. So this year, I'm walking in my Dad's memory.Throughout his battle, my Dad was very lucky to have access to good hospitals, state-of-the-art treatments, educational resources, and in the end, an amazing support system. Unfortunately, many women struggling with Breast Cancer in the DC area aren't as lucky. Here are a few startling facts to consider...Breast Cancer kills approximately one woman every 14 minutes, robbing us of our mothers and grandmothers, our sisters and aunts, cousins and best friends3 million women are living with Breast Cancer and one third don't even know itNo one knows what causes Breast Cancer or how to prevent itI don't know about you, but I REFUSE to accept the fact that there's nothing I can do. And since Cancer has touched my family, I feel more compelled than ever to do something--anything--to bring us one step closer to finding a cure. On May 3rd and 4th of this year--I'll join thousands in the DC area to walk 39 miles in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. But to participate, I need your help. I'm required to raise a minimum of $1800 to walk, but my goal is $5,000. I'm willing to walk the walk--blisters, jiffy johns and all--if you'll find in your heart to financially support my quest.Our unwavering mission is to provide badly needed funds to eventually find a cure for Breast Cancer--with a focus on medically underserved women, the underprivileged, the elderly and the under- or uninsured. Funds are awarded to medical research to:Explore potential causes, prevention, treatment and cure of Breast CancerProvide clinical care for Breast Cancer patientsSupport services for patients and their familiesFund educational seminars and early-detection programsOne of the things that attracted me to this Walk is that they're looking at the entire picture--cause, cure, care and support. While researchers have made significant progress in the last few years, there's still much that needs to be done. I know that the journey I'm about to embark on doesn't compare with the challenges that my Dad and other Cancer patients face. For each blister, each muscle cramp, for every time I think I can't possibly go any father--I'll think of the small steps I'm taking for those who are no longer with us. But through us, the thousands on this vital crusade, their spirits surely endure. Victory for me will be crossing the finish line and surpassing my fundraising goal. I invite you to be a part of it. Please click the link to my personal page below and donate to the walk. Anything you can contribute will help to be that much closer to hitting my goal.Please do what you can. And thank you so much for your much-needed support, both financial and emotionally. It means more to me than I can convey in a letter. With your money and my soon-to-be blistered feet, we can touch the lives of so many people who need our help.
Stephanie Sall Bailey

ZOYA - Casey

I am not a super frilly girl but I do like my manies and pedis. My fingers are always clear since I am pretty active but I love to experiment on my toes. Since Thanksgiving I have been stuck on The Casey by Zoya and can't seem to make the change. I love the deep blue almost purple hue. Zoya products are not only long lasting and natural and without many of those nasty chemicals. Click here to read all about or to purchase some of your own.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Inara Cont.

Last week I received a beautiful package from Inara Organics so over the weekend I used the Sugar Rub. Even in the shower I could see the difference, my skin was so soft. This product is a miracle worker. I will never go back to Fresh's Brown Sugar Scrub again!! Click here to jump to the site.

Another Only in Boulder....

Does someone leave their Rover wide open on an isolated trailhead. Anywhere else that SUV would be a goner in like 60 seconds...

Friday, January 11, 2008


I lied, I am back! I could wait to share that I just opened the most beautiful package of products from Inara Organic based right here in Denver! I can't wait to start sampling! Many of the treatments at the St Julien Spa are performed using Inara products - and if you want to try some of your own click here for the website.


I think since the start of Gold & Silver Stars, yesterday was the first time I was too busy to blog. I am not exaggerating - probably could have if I didn't spend a good chunk of time talking to United (in India of course) dealing with some vouches. So I am back - thank goodness is what you are thinking....Can't wait to start reading this book - I am a sucker for anything that has to do with fashion! Maybe I will get a chance to read it next week on the plane.

A review....Earth Pledge's newest publication, FutureFashion White Papers, is a collection of essays by a diverse and international group of contributors. Designers, manufacturers, farmers, professors, models, business owners and creative directors add their experiences and wisdom, producing a unique and multifaceted view of the apparel and textile industries. The book not only proposes solutions to environmental problems, but addresses the financial outcomes of sustainable practices and offers individual business perspectives.

Have a great weekend - I am off to suck down a BIG powerful coffee!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

American Apparel will make you look like a fat hooker - WORD!!!

From the fine folks at Jezebel - a hilarious video about the lameness of AA garb (the founder is a sleaze too)!! Click here to view and laugh!!!This was one of the only non-offensive photos I could find!!! And if you didn't catch a previous post via the Onion re: AA - here it is

Moral of the story - shop @ Alternative Apparel
Great Eco line too!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Ziggy

Happy Birthday to one of my fav artists! Attended numerous concerts and once I sat a table drinking Tea with the 'legend' in Rome, Italy - a hi-light for sure!!

Wallet and Politics

Def don't need a wallet but if I did it would be this Green Gem from COMME DES GARCONS

I seem to be on a green binge lately! Don't know about you, but I am very curious to see what happens in NH today - the polls have been open since 12:01a - click here for updates

Monday, January 7, 2008

Boulder Gridlock

Traffic was at a stand still Sat afternoon as family of deer made their way through the round-a-bout

I know, rough times here in the bubble.


My hands down fav museum in DC is the Phillips Collection. Its a private museum tucked off Dupont Circle in area filled with galleries and beautiful old row houses. When I went home over Thanksgiving - I know way to be on the ball with posting!! I was excited to hit it but when I went online I was deflated to read the current exhibit was Impressionists by the Sea. I can appreciate the works of Renoir, Monet, etc but my period is post WWII for sure. For reasons too long to explain, it happened that I had an hour or so to kill and was right by the museum so I figured why not. Smart decision - I was blown away! The painting were so calming and immediately transported me to a day by the ocean, which happens to be my favorite place to be. It leaves DC next week so look for it to land in your city.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Green Dreams

Its warm today - we are breaking out from the tundra...thank god! I am over bulky winter clothes, jackets, scarves and boring practical footwear. I am ready for spring and this is officially on my wish list - via net-a-porter.

TAGGED - ughh!!

As a blogger I feel its my duty to comply.

I have been tagged by Carolyn of

Here are the rules:
1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

1. done

a) I knocked out my front teeth ages ago (part of the reason I hate the dentist) so those whitening strips don't work!
b) I am like an addict when it comes to chocolate - no control, I eat til I am sick!!!
c) I was recruited by Harvard University to play w's soccer - once I sent the necessary paperwork the response was - even if you are one of the best players in the state no way you are getting in with those scores.
d) I am a media and product whore! My friends know this and always pass along their magazines.
e) I have studied and spoken 3 languages at one time or another; Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. As a result, I now mix them up and created my own 'special' language.
f) I have a hoodie affliction, meaning I love them and can't stop purchasing. Guess I am like an addict in this category as well.
g) I am shy, really - I know my friends are laughing. I am an introverted extrovert! I hate parties.

3. I am tagging
BTC Elements
Hoping for Happy Accidents
The Glossy
Hi + Low
Alabama Chanin



Huck & Chuck

I was listening to the results of the Iowa caucus this am and the radio mentioned how each of the candidates had their hand picked 'high profile' supporter in tow. Hilary with Madeline Albright, Mick Huckabee with Chuck Norris....Chuck Norris????!!!! I couldn't help but wonder if Huck enlisted Chuck as a result of reading Chuck Norris Facts. I know I am a retardo but I can read, and reread and reread some of these facts and laugh to the point of tears every time!
  • If you Google search "Chuck Norris getting his ass kicked" you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen.

  • A high tide means Chuck Norris is flying over your coast. The tide is caused by God pissing his pants.

Or find some of your own favs -

On a side note, typing the title Huck & Chuck made me think of the disturbing movie Chuck & Buck (which I downright hated) only to be upstaged by the extremely disturbing Hard Candy - starring Ellen Page (which made feel so violated I needed to play with puppies and kittens afterwards). Yes, the sweet prego high schooler in Juno.

And on a side side note..I was tagged last night so stay tuned.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Organic Education

I read about the new Origins Organics Line and I thought I might give it a try since I was out of face lotion. I was hesitant because Origins' like Aveda (which contains parabens btw) fragrance does not appeal to me at all! But I was curious so I went to the shop and started to sample the products when a saleslady approached me, asking if I needed assistance. I mentioned my interest in the lotion but was curious if I might take a small sample before purchasing. She responded that if she were to give me a sample the product would no longer be organic, so no she could not. Now, I am no eco-nazi but I think she was dead wrong. If I put organic toothpaste on a non-organic toothbrush does it lose it's organic composition, NO. If I put my organic veggies on a plastic plate they are still organic veggies right? So while I applaud Origins for creating an organic line (still a little smelly for my liking) I would suggest a little education on organics for your staff.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lip Goodness

Living in CO mandates carrying some form of lip salve (sounds gross but I cant think of a better term) at all times. Its soo dry + sunny. So when I opened a package to find MJ of newest creation, an organic, virtually edible lip balm and I was ecstatic. MJ is a genius and always pairs elegance with organic/sustainability, just the way it should be. This was a sample only and the women's version, men's in the works, but I did have some men test it out (in one way or another, as it was New Years) and they all gave it their stamp of approval. If you are interested in purchasing your own tube, email MaryJo ( and she will notify you when they are available for purchase.
Please excuse the terrible photo - new BB and just getting the hang of it.

Does it take white, milk or dark

...from Inhabitat, a truck powered on Chocolate!!! Click here to read the full article. How much would I have loved to join on that trek (for those of you readers who don't know me personally I am a chocolate fiend)!

Lulu For Hair-do

I am so lazy...I hate washing my hair, drying my hair, blah, blah - so how excited was I to find a package containing Lulu Organics Hair Powder (talc free) at me doorstep. This will defintiely help me prolong washing my hair that much longer. Thanks Lulu O!

Dee & Ricky

Check out this killah belt and brooch by Dee & Ricky made from Lego pieces. The photos are from the Marc Jacobs fash show where MJ's models strutted the goodies. Me likey! If you likely email Dee (a very cool cat) - pick your colors & tell 'em goldandsilverstars sent ya!