Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Very cute idea...

Cause for Creativity: Tour da Arts Saturday, August 22, 2009

Join SMMoA and C.I.C.L.E (Cyclists Inciting Change through Live Exchange) for a special art-making workshop and cultural bike tour that begins at the museum and loops through the city of Santa Monica. Enjoy special programming and tasty treats along the way! The bike ride is led by League Certified Cycling Instructors from C.I.C.L.E. and consists of an 8 mile loop throughout the city.
Beginning at SMMoA, the tour will make its first stop at The Broad Stage and continue on to the Miles Playhouse. From there, bikers will travel to the 18th Street Arts Center and then back to SMMoA. The bike tour will proceed at a slow, social pace and will obey all traffic laws. Participation in the bike tour is FREEWorkshop Registration: FREE for SMMoA members and $5 for non-members. Click here to Buy Workshop Tickets
What to Bring: A bicycle in good running order. All participants under 18 must wear a helmet and be escorted by a parent or guardian. Children under age 9 are recommended to be on a tag-along, bike trailer, tandem, or other safe child-carrying device.
Bike Rentals: SOLD OUT
Join us for all or part of the day:

1-2pm: Registration Check-in for the workshop and see SMMoA exhibitions.

2-4pm: Workshop Make an original bike flag to wave your creativity to the world!

4-5pm: Bike Check-up Check-in for the bike ride. Get your tires checked, attach your new bike flag, enjoy snacks and drinks provided by Whole Foods, Cliff Bars, Y Water, and indulge in an ice cream sandwich by Coolhaus.

5-8pm: Bike TourC.I.C.L.E will lead a guided bike tour to some of Santa Monica’s most exciting arts venues, featuring live music, artist studio visits, and exhibition tours.