Friday, December 17, 2010

A Hornet and a King

Last night I went to a screening of The Green Hornet. Apparently, the movie is coming out in 3D when it opens in January. However, the screening was not? Without giving anything away (hate when people do that!)

A few comments....

I went in knowing zero about this film, so when I read the credits rolled, I was shocked to learn it was directed by Michel Gondry. Shocked mainly because it seemed sooo mainstream for him!

All the guys around me laughed throughout the entire film.

This is the type of movie you have to see on a big screen.

I also saw The King's Speech this week. Incredible, I loved the way it was shot and Colin Firth was spectacular, way to commit to a role. Helena B Carter and Geoffrey Rush are fabulous as well!
TGIF peeps!