Saturday, September 29, 2007

Dig the Digg?

I just added a digg widget to my blog as a test..any thoughts. Do people actually use this?

Friday, September 28, 2007

Michel Gondry

If you liked Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Science of Sleep (I watched this film numerous times), music videos by Beck, Bjork or Daft Punk, to name a few then there is a good chance you are a fan of director Michel Gondry. He just collaborated with Motorola to try to find a way to make their RAZR2 a little more here to view the ad

Snake on the Mountain

HATE snakes!! We have rattlers all over the place. I was banished from the house last night & even though I was exhausted from Los Angelenos visiting the night prior, I took the dog up Sanitas. I almost stepped on this guy!!

And YES I was carrying my phone but only in case the workers needed to contact me. Back to the story, so the snake isn't that big and its not a rattler and I would have killed it but it's too small to make into a purse, wallet or even a key chain - KIDDING!!!

Chocolate Dream

Last night there were workers at my house late and so I made a quick trip to my local WF for dinner. As per always I was craving sweets and found myself in the frozen section. Instead of my usual Mango Palapas I decided to try Ciao Bella Chocolate Sorbet.
Why not I thought, it's made by Italians so it has to be good. Damn, I'm smart. This stuff is delish!!! So good!! And this coming from the girl that lived in Roma for some time (and she definitely did her fair share of sampling gelati/sorbet)
After a few huge scoops straight from the pint I quickly flipped to the nutritional scorecard to see what kind of damage was happening. Another win!! Very low fat (if any can't honestly remember) and less than 200 calories per serving. Not that I really care but it's yet another bonus.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Change of Seasons

I know its so cliche' seasons change and there is a need to shift from the day to day. We just ended the full moon, Harvest Moon, when the Moon is closest to the Earth.
I have some trips booked in the coming weeks but I am itching for an international trip. Be careful what you wish for, I know! But if someone is dying to drop a tickie and some major spending cash in my lap here's where I would be heading...

or here

And if you don't know where these two spots are - too bad for you!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Danger Danger is not a new find but today I will share. However, if you have a weakness for jewels and gems and don't want the temptation, I would strongly advise you to stay away!!! There are about a zillion pieces I could buy - designers include Me&Ro, Dinh Vah, Temple St.Clair and so many's a handful of items on my wish list.

I know I am OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007


For the ad campaign of London Ink, yes the British version of the show Miami Ink, the agency Mother invaded London with these massive tatted models. Brillant!!! You can click here to read more

Rainy Monday

The weather is for crap here today. All that rain that never landed in CA has been coming down in buckets this morning. So much so that my dog had no interest in a walk this morning.
Cool rainy weather = perfect movie watching, junk food dining and some tea drinking.
If I were go to the theater it would be for and only for Wes Anderson's The Darjeeling Limited. Love his films!!!!

& I hear tomorrow he is releasing a free download of a short film he made starring Natalie Portman.
In the T Style Mag special supplement in NyTimes yesterday there was a great 2 page spread of Wes - Profile in Style: Wes Anderson!!! Centered around his time shooting Darjeeling in India.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Equinox Night

You know that small point in time when you can balance an egg perfectly...aka Sat night into Sunday morning. Or the evening sculptor/artist Jerry Wingren hosted another one of his Equinox party's. His home, studio, guest cottages are a short jaunt outside of Boulder - its a beautiful spot. Far too isolated for me in the winter but great nonetheless. It was a lovely evening, I arrived much later than intended so the light was not ideal for photo opps but I did take a few with my camera phone.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Smart Sissies

In the past I've mentioned the eco-entrepreneurial siblings of MioCulture and Freitag now I've found VelvetLeaf Clothing.
A company conceived by Laura and Becky Carter, California natives. These young and smart women use only 100% certified organic cotton. Pair that with the beautiful designs and you can't go wrong. Below are a few of my favorites but jump to their website here to view the entire collection and read more about the company.
Nice work ladies.

Not because someone is talking about you...

Remember the old adage, your ears start burning when someone is talking about you.

Not the case here....Police busted a huge counterfeit ring in NY. The first tip came after several people called Motorola complaining the earpieces were causing a burning sensation in their ears.
Full story below.
Police Confiscate 160,000 Pairs Of Phony Nike Sneakers
In what authorities are calling one of the largest seizures of counterfeit goods in American history, police confiscated 160,000 pairs of fake Nike sneakers from six separate locations in Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island.
The sneaker operation was one of four alleged counterfeit rings selling fake goods with brand names such as Nike, Motorola, and Microsoft, all recently broken up by police.
The phony sneakers, which authorities said had a street value of $7.1 million and could fill 18 tractor-trailers, were seized on September 12 after a two-year investigation that led to the arrests of Yue Huang, 26, and his wife, He Bin Huang-Wang, 26, authorities said. An undercover detective posing as a buyer infiltrated the Staten Island-based ring in August 2005, and throughout the investigation purchased hundreds of pairs of fake Nikes, as well as knock-off Louis Vuitton handbags, authorities said. During one purchase in 2005, the female investigator swapped $2,690 for five boxes containing counterfeit Louis Vuitton handbags, authorities said.
Investigators believe the brand name counterfeits were manufactured and trafficked into New York from overseas, and are working with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to discover the source.
A counterfeit operation based out of the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn, where two suspects, Hananya Ederi, 27, and Jacob Eran, 28, allegedly sold counterfeit Motorola Blue Tooth earpieces that were made in America, was broken up earlier this month.
Motorola tipped investigators to the scam after several people called the company complaining that the earpieces were causing a burning sensation in their ears, authorities said.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Oh beautiful for spacious skies...

If I ever leave break out of the bubble and Niwot's curse, it's surely sights like this that I will miss most...

14 American Apparel Models Freed In Daring Midnight Raid

This just in from the here for the entire article.
A shot of the some of the evidence found at the crime scene.

The Anti Fashion Week Show

One of these days I need to learn how to take a screen shot of a film...not really relevant.
Click here or on the photo below to watch the off-Bryant Park display of Jack Spade's new spring collection. It's perfect. I especially love the man in green.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Talk Like a Pirate Day

From today is 'talk like a pirate day.
'I HAD to poach because last Friday night Amy, Kinney and I met, the cool as shit artist, Jerry Wingren at Amu (yum, yum, yum) for delish Japanese food and too much wonderful saki. He also gave us some Japanese etiquette lessons.
Jerry totally channels Jack Nicholson + Andy Warhol. His personality (how I would imagine Jack would be) and love of women from Jack and the amazing level of creativity and white hair of Andy.

The pirate piece comes in because after a lot of saki another friend of ours (girl) shows up with a bunch of guys. Jerry is not pleased. One of the guys is on something and whatever it was it was potent and he starts talking pirate. Pirates of the Caribbean, parrot on his shoulder, lots of aarrrgghh - ultimately you had to be there but I just wanted to share.....

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ughhhhhhhhhh I am sick!

I know better, I am a junkie in a crackhouse. I probably do have a 'problem' if I am making excuses and finding reasons to go to Powell's Sweet Shoppe. I stopped by mid-day today and it's been a sugar high ever since!!! Normally, I shy away from chain stores but for this I will make an exception. Sugar in every possible form and nooky and cranny of the store....I should have taken a photo when I went but I was WAY too distracted so here's one from another store which will give you an idea.
YUMMMMM!!! I am drooling just looking at the photo.

Dinner Parties and Nigella

My ideal party is a handful of good people over; mulling around the kitchen, cooking, chatting and drinking. Maybe its due to my time spent living in Europe whose to say? I like to cook in a style that doesn't call for a lot of measuring or directions. A carefree method so to speak.

One person who works in this liberated way is the lovely Nigella Lawson. I adore her show and how she flitters about the kitchen. She now has a home collection, Living Kitchen - click here for the entire collection. But I have posted a few pieces below, including her famous mezzaluna. If you have ever watched her show you know she can not go far without this utensil. Btw - the platter is made by South African potter Di Marshall. Di works from a small studio in George, South Africa, employing 18 local people. The pottery is individually hand made from start to finish. It's all gorgeous.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Conscious Shopping

Buy this beautiful Helen Ficalora necklace and 25% of the proceeds go to Project Sunshine.. Project Sunshine is a nonprofit organization that provides free social, educational and recreational programs to children and families affected by medical challenges. Click here for more infoAnd to see more of Helen's fabulous creations click here

Ahhhh sooooo Refreshing....

Just when I thought I was done, finished, bored silly, crossed eyed with all the fashion blogs (except for a few never fail faves, of course) I've discovered a new glittering gem to add to the wardrobe.

The Glossy - click here and enjoy!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

They Love me, they really do...Ecorazzi

My first Ecorazzi piece - as soon as I can figure out a few things I will have a snapshot posted....

In the meantime just click here

Thanks guys!

Point of Contention

It was a little chilly this morning, ideal temp for jeans, cute top and boots. This type of ensemble is always my preferred wardrobe. It's just right for Boulder, the most casual town.
However, my office seems to be the one exception to the norm. NO JEANS - even on Fridays, you can wear ugly cargo pants but no jeans!!! I guess it makes sense considering the founder of the company is a living and breathing (well barely) Mr. Burns, and I am being generous.
But come on!! To adhere to the stupid rule I am currently sporting my prize Ever hoodie, some pants and vans.

I guarantee you I would be much more of a DO than a DON'T if I was rocking one of the fabulous pairs of jeans in my stable; whether my newest acquisition Fidelity's (love them), serfontaines or 1921's. They all look a hell of a lot nicer than my current choice of attire. Or even a pair of those wide leg trouser jeans all the denim manufacturers are pushing...
Here's a pic-look from Lucky/The Sartorialist that is perfect for casual Fridays...

Humm - maybe I should draft a memo...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

NY Fashion Week Roundup via TYS

Since I promised some pretty pictures to offset my rant and alls a buzz about Fashion Week. I knew I should head directly to the fabulous and most stylish Mary Jo Matsumoto's Fashion Week roundup. These are my wish list purchases but I highly encourage you to visit the site and read the entire review, click here to jump

Ego Alert!

As if it wasn't bad enough to hear reports of Kayne's running around, crying like a spoiled 3yr that he didn't win any VMA's and wasn't the opening performance so now he was boycotting MTV. When did MTV start playing videos again...

Today I read a blurb in (Women's Wear Daily) that stylist, using term to quote ONLY, Rachel Zoe considers herself more influential than the Editor of Vogue, Anna Wintour...

“Anna Wintour is one of my heroes, but they say I’m more influential,” Zoe tells Lynn Hirschberg in this Sunday’s issue of The New York Times Magazine. “As great as it is, Vogue won’t change a designer’s business. But if an unknown brand is worn by a certain person in a tabloid, it will be the biggest designer within a week.”


IMO - 1. You certainly think very highly of yourself Ms Zoe - what unknown brand have you brought to the spotlight? I seem to remember your 'style' to recycle vintage designer pieces.
2. It's been a long time since Vogue was really about Fashion, its more about promoting those designers that spend a lot on ads in the mag. Have you lifted the Sept mag? Its ALL ADS and those are the clothes in the spreads.

Ok, rant over. I will try and find some pretty items to post.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

TB - JE - RJ Friday

Tb and I grabbed sush on Monday. Those who know me are aware this would only happen in one of two places in Boulder...anyways I wanted his thoughts on a possible project and he updated me on the latest in his world. Man, that boy works hard. Look out for more cool things from his gruppo in the near future.
In the meantime be sure to stop by Friday for the latest Art Opening at the shop/Joy Engine - Rafa Jenn.


Sure I am biased and over the top supportive when it's a friends' company, idea, product or business but it doesn't mean they aren't rocking it! So true when it comes to my girl Amanda's eco-line I remember when she had a little speck of a space in a hotel room in LA and now she's big time at Coterie (for those non-fashion folks trust me, this is a big thing) and now a retail shop on 3rd in LA.
Amanda has A LOT happening for Fall so stay tuned for all the deets and here's some of my fav looks from her collection - click here for more

Sunday Mystery Meat

Sunday was a cool, overcast day in Boulder. Early evening I popped by Kimmie & KP's adobe and lucky for me KP happened to be whipping up a little din din. Kimmie and I caught up on my LA travels and KP cooked - love the role reversal!

While former employment includes cheffing it up in Aspen, these days KP scouts and books all the entertainment at the Boulder Theater - Public Enemy 10/25!!!
We looked at their backstage requests - nothing juicy here.

Getting off KP whipped up this pasta, sausage and veggie ensemble. Perfect meal for the dreary day and while I am not a vegetarian I try not to eat much meat. The meal was delish and what was most surprising was when the chef informed me that I was not eating meat but Tofurky Sweet Italian Sausage. Score!! Yum!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Go Anna

Your gift for attending the Anna Sui fashion show. The caricatures are those of the founders of Forever21 - MAJOR RIP-OFFS artists with whom Anna is in the midst of legal proceedings. And she isn't the only one!

Seems to be a lot of drama this round of NY Fash Week - a certain publicist blacklisted journalists and called them some not very nice names for writing unfavorable reviews of their designers. Click here for article

Boot Madness

I have been on the hunt for a pair of flat boots for weeks and since there is NO SHOPPING in Boulder I was hoping I would score in LA. But it was disgustingly hot and my time shopping on 3rd in LA was quick and far too hot for trying on boots. I did pop into Sigerson Morrison for a few and fell in love with both pairs below but then I found the Loeffler Randall patents !! At $600 a POP, I will wait until I head to NYC next month....or someone surprises me with the best belated bday pressie ever - size 8.5 folks.