I try to be conscious about what I eat and find Michael Pollan's philosophy on food/eating/consumption straight on.
Two of his 'rules' which I try to follow daily
1.Eat less
2.If it wasn't around when your grandparents were young than you might want rethink what you are about to put into your mouth.
We all have slip-ups and now and again. I.e. - I find myself grabbing an energy bar for that quick energy boost.
So here's two of my recent bar faves (I can pronounce most everything on the list!):
Honey Stinger - Peanut butta pro-bar. Be forewarned - loaded with protein but a but high in the calories. It tastes like reece's peanut butter cup!
Clif Bar Mojo Peanut Butter Pretezel - no chocolate but divine....
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Posted by
Jen Sall
2:35 PM